
2 “The Coffee Bean Effect” by Reen Fowler

Reen Fowler

as I stare into a cup of coffee

I think of the hands that have held it before me:


I think of the shepherd that stumbled onto that first revitalizing taste

of those who drank it both religiously and for religion

of the traveler that smuggled it in a pocket across seas

of those that held it both in reverence and fear

of those who cultivate it with the utmost care


I think of the communities it’s brought together

the revolutions it’s conspired in

the masterpieces it’s assisted late into the night

the relief it’s brought to those who lack sleep but not work

the love it’s fostered between two people sitting across from one another


and how it somehow reached me from so far away

from so many hands into mine

like a family heirloom of humanity

and from my hands into yours,

I hope you can cherish this as much as I do.


on coffee: boundless journal special issue Copyright © 2021 by The authors. All Rights Reserved.