27 “Her and His Day” by Emma Kohlenberg
Emma Kohlenberg
She woke up at 6:30. She put on her school uniform and did her makeup. She ran into the kitchen to grab a bit of breakfast. Once she found her keys, she got in the car and drove to the coffee shop. As usual, a long line of people was there for their own morning coffee. She checked her email as she waited for her order. She heard her name called and picked up her drink.
He woke up at 5:30. He put on his clothes and mosquito repellent. He made breakfast for the day and some coffee. He talked to his family as he drank it. He put on his hat and bandana to protect himself from the sun. He went out to the truck and climbed inside. He headed out to the coffee plantation.
She had to get going, or she would be late for class. She made it before the bell. As the teacher took attendance, the caffeine started to wake her up. She went back and forth between taking notes, finishing yesterday’s homework for the next class, and taking sips of her coffee.
He climbed down the hill to begin that day’s work. The foreman assigned him a row of coffee beans to pick from. He tied a basket around his waist to hold the fruit. He found the ripe cherries and plucked them from the tree. The sun made him feel more awake, so he wasn’t running of coffee alone.
She went through the lunch line added something from every food group onto her tray. She sat at a table with her friends. She asked her friend about the test she would be taking next period. She checked her notes again before lunch ended.
He ate rice, eggs, and beans for lunch. He talked with his family that worked on the plantation and his other coworkers. He was hungry after work from the morning. He finished eating and returned to picking coffee beans.
She went to the locker room to change for track practice. She went to the school trainer to have her shine splints taped before practice. She stretched and warmed up with her teammates. She and her teammates ran laps until the coach had them do drills with the hurdles.
He carried the heavy bags of coffee beans to the mill. He sorted the ripe cherries into the containers to be measured. The weight of the coffee beans he picked determined his pay for that day. He waited for everyone else’s bags to be measured and to hear who was the top earner that day.
She began her homework before family dinner once she got home.
He began the processing of the coffee beans before he was released home for dinner.
They went to sleep.