18 “The Piece” by Paige Johnson
Paige Johnson

At first glance, the coffee shop was filled to the brim with stressed students writing their final term papers, and businessmen tapping their feet in anticipation, waiting for the daily cup of black coffee that would keep them alert. But, if one were to look closely, they would realize it held much more than that. They would see the two college friends in the corner who were talking over steaming mugs and recounting memories of crazy nights long gone. They would see the young mother with the loving smile, watching her child, who was convinced they were drinking the same caffeinated beverage as their mother, although it was a cup of juice. In the cozy looking booth, they would see two young people who were nervously sipping coffee and laughing awkwardly, experiencing the trials and tribulations of a first date. And, looking as close as ever, they would see that the stressed students writing their final term papers were also texting their friends about the long, coffee-fueled week ahead of them. They would see that the businessmen who were tapping their feet were also ordering coffees for the whole office to enjoy. Looking around at all of these significant interactions, they would feel the sense of community coffee cultivates and understand that it looms in the background of many meaningful moments.