Creating Opportunities for Your Class to Connect
An important aspect of well-being is a person’s social connectedness and sense of belonging (Pavey et al., 2011). For college students, it has been shown to benefit student retention (Allen et al., 2008), motivation (Walton et al., 2012), and academic performance (Anaya & Cole, 2001). Social connections can also help students’ resilience to stress (Ozbay, et al., 2007).
Create space within the class or digital learning environment for students to meet and connect. This often happens organically, especially in in-person classes. Regardless of modality, however, by simply opening the space, you signal your commitment to creating a welcoming classroom environment. Have students introduce themselves to one another throughout the semester and work together in teams. You can also suggest opportunities for students to interact outside of class. This could be attending events related to class material or joining a student organization..
Additionally, you can help students connect with you, virtually or in person. Share your goals as a graduate student instructor with students and let your enthusiasm for your subject matter shine through. Encourage students to attend office hours and demystify the process for students who may not know what to expect. You can reach out and ask how a student is doing if you have noticed they are less engaged.