Reducing Test Anxiety
Tests can be stressful for many students, and for some, the pressure to do well becomes so overwhelming that the individual is unable to do their best. As a teaching assistant or other type of graduate student instructor, you may not have control over components or expectations within a given course. You can, however, encourage strategies that may help reduce test anxiety. In many ways, these strategies reinforce good study behaviors, such as studying early and consistently. You can also emphasize the importance of healthy behaviors associated with better academic performance such as getting a good night’s rest and eating well before an exam. Additionally, self-efficacy is a strong predictor of academic success (Barrows, et al., 2013). Encourage and remind your students that you believe they can succeed.
Another specific approach is to have students write about their thoughts and worries before an exam, which has been shown to help test performance (Ramirez & Beilock, 2011). The thinking of why this works is by acknowledging their fears, students were able to tame distracting emotions. This is a simple intervention that can reduce anxiety and help students do their best.
Finally, make sure students know what to expect on a test to further reduce anxiety. Add details to your syllabus and remind students of key information such as what will be covered on the test, the types of questions, the date and time of the test, who to contact in the event of a problem, and your policies on academic misconduct (students eligible for accommodations may need separate time, location, or test details shared with them). If you use proctoring tools such as Respondus Lockdown Browser (locks computer to a single window in ICON) or Honorlock (virtual proctoring available to online and hybrid courses), you can provide a practice quiz or test so students experience the technology in a low stakes environment before completing a graded assessment. Exam Services provides many helpful resources for faculty, staff, and students. Visit their website or contact them for assistance