
IX. Resources for Nursing Students

A. Community Mental Health Line

All College of Nursing students have access to a mental health support line provided through the University of Iowa Student Life and CommUnity. This is available to help nursing students ameliorate their stress during the fall and spring semesters. This service is free for all College of Nursing students and is available 24/7 (24 hours & 7 days a week). You can access this line by calling or texting the mental health support line at 844-461-5420. Find out more about the line on the UI Support and Crisis Line Webpage. 

B. Graduate Student Office and Kitchen

The Graduate Student Office has computers and workstations. The graduate student office will be kept unlocked so please be cognizant of what you leave in the office when you are not there.


Office: 134 CNB

Kitchen: 133 CNB

C. Printing/Copying

Printing is available for Nursing students. You will not need money; you will use your UID number and have the charges applied to your U-Bill. The charges are as follows: $.03 per page for black & white printing and $.15 per page for color printing. Note that copying is not available.


32 CNB

D. Felton Student Success Center

The Felton Student Success Center is in the Felton Student Success Center and provides numerous services to College of Nursing students. Felton Student Success Center staff in Student Services are available to meet with students regarding academic affairs via email, phone, or in person.




109 College of Nursing Building (CNB)

E. Lactation Room and Refrigerator

The lactation room in the College of Nursing has a refrigerator in which to store your breast milk while you are here for class(es). The key to the room is kept in the Teaching Services offices.


338, 340, and 342 CNB

F. Omsbuds Services

The Office of the Ombudsperson serves students, faculty, and staff and offers informal resolution, mediation, and/or negotiation to constituents. The Ombudsperson explains and clarifies University policies and procedures and urges complainants to follow the regular policies and procedures of the University as outlined in University publications (Operations Manual, Policies & Regulations Affecting Students, staff and faculty handbooks, etc.).



G. Computing Resources

The College of Nursing and ITS (Instructional Technology Services) maintain an ITC (Instructional Technology Center) in room 32 on the ground floor of the Nursing Building. There are approximately 26 ITC sites on the Campus.




2800 University  Capitol Center

H. Student Health

The outpatient clinic at Student Health is available to all currently enrolled on-campus students. Visits are free, but charges are made for laboratory procedures, x-rays, accident examinations, and minor surgery.




4189 Westlawn

I. University Counseling Services

The University Counseling Service staff of professional psychologists, social workers, and advanced doctoral students offers educational (learning disability assessment), career, and personal counseling and therapy in individual, couple, or group sessions. It also offers programs, workshops, and consultation activities. Most services are available to students without cost. There is a minimal fee for psychological testing.




Eastside: Suite 1950 UCC
Westside: 3223 Westlawn

J. Student Disability Services

The University of Iowa is committed to making its facilities, services, and programs fully accessible to people with disabilities. Student Disability Services (SDS), located in the University Capitol Center provides services to students with both visible and non-visible disabilities. People with a wide range of disabilities are served, including those with hearing and speech impairments, learning disabilities, mobility restrictions, visual impairments, and others. The goal of SDS is to help students with disabilities enjoy the same rights and assume the same responsibilities as do other students. SDS works closely with university faculty and staff to ensure that students receive the maximum benefit from their experience at The University of Iowa. Assistance is provided in the areas of admission, orientation, academic and career planning, academic support services, financial aid, housing, transportation and parking, aide and attendant care, and health services




141 University Capitol Center

K. International Student and Scholar Services

The Office of International Programs provides services and facilities and organizes extracurricular programs for both foreign and domestic students and faculty. It maintains a library with references on study, work, and travel in other countries, including information about foreign universities and study abroad programs open to UI students. It helps students select study abroad programs to complement their on-campus academic programs and helps assure that they receive the correct credit for such activities. Students also may obtain information and applications for the Presidential Awards for Study Abroad and the Fulbright, Marshall, and Tubingen awards at the Office of International Programs.



319-335-0335 (International Student and Scholar Services)


1111 University Capitol Center

L. Iowa Veteran Education, Transition, and Support (IVETS)

IVETS supports Veterans, the military-connected community, and their families at the University of Iowa as they navigate their educational paths.




207/211 Calvin Hall

M. Multicultural and International Student Support and Engagement

Multicultural and International Student Support and Engagement is committed to supporting student success on the University of Iowa campus through planned activities open to all students.


152 IMU

N. Office of Student Financial Aid

The Office of Student Financial Aid is available to all University of Iowa students. The office is responsible for counseling students regarding eligibility for aid, for offering general information and applications for financial aid, for processing financial aid applications, and for distributing aid. The office also provides information and listings of part-time employment and College Work Study. Students who have questions regarding financial aid should contact the Office of Student Financial Aid.




2400 UCC

O. Office of the Registrar

The Office of the Registrar determines the residence status of each student, supervises registration procedures, assesses fees, and maintains all students’ academic records. It issues official transcripts and verifications. This site also has links to the University calendars, tuition, and fees, as well as current and past catalogs.


2700 University Capitol Center

P. Women’s Resource and Action Center (WRAC)

The WRAC provides services to meet educational, cultural, social, and personal needs of university and community women. WRAC advocates the removal of all barriers to equal access and self-determination, including barriers of racism and classism as well as those based on physical ability, sexual preference, and gender. Through its feminist programs and services, the WRAC staff is committed to empowering Iowa women through providing information, skills, and support.

The WRAC provides a resource for many women’s organizations; sponsors a Brown Bag Luncheon program; offers evening and weekend workshops, lectures, films, and classes; provides a wide variety of support and discussion groups for women; offers one-to-one problem-solving sessions for women; and publishes a newsletter nine times a year.

The WRAC houses the Sojourner Truth Women’s Resource Library of books and periodicals on a wide range of women’s topics. For persons dealing with sexual harassment and other forms of discrimination, WRAC acts as an advocate and provides emotional and informational support. WRAC maintains an information and referral system, a speaker’s bureau, and an active volunteer program.




230 North Clinton Street

Q. Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP)

The Mission of the Domestic Violence Intervention Program is to provide comprehensive support and advocacy services to victim/survivors, focusing on immediate and long-term safety, empowerment, dignity, and hope. In collaboration with the community, we strive to end domestic abuse through education, accountability, and social justice.

DVIP provides services to victim/survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and human trafficking. In today’s society, intimate partner violence is widely known to be one of the greatest physical dangers to women. Women, men and children are murdered each year and the risk of child abuse is much greater in households where domestic violence occurs. Responding to intimate partner violence is critical and requires a community-wide effort. Support for victims of intimate partner violence and their loved ones is available in Johnson, Iowa, Cedar, Des Moines, Henry, Lee, Van Buren and Washington Counties through the Domestic Violence Intervention Program.

24 Hour Hotline



1105 S Gilbert Court


University of Iowa College of Nursing Graduate Student Handbook Copyright © 2024 by University of Iowa College of Nursing. All Rights Reserved.