IV. Financial Assistance
Various sources for student support are available. Funds that are under the direct control of the College come from the College of Nursing, the Graduate College, and federally supported training grants. Other student support may be available from project grants awarded to College of Nursing faculty members, from local agencies, or from other divisions of the University.
A. Nurse Faculty Loan Program (NFLP)
The NFLP is a loan cancellation program. Up to 85% of an NFLP loan can be canceled if, after graduation, the individual is employed and serving in a full-time nurse faculty capacity (e.g., teaching full time, holding part-time positions that add up to full time, teaching and being a preceptor, as well as other combinations in a school of nursing). If the individual meets the full-time employment criteria, 20% of the loan is canceled in each of the first three years and 25% is cancelled in the fourth year. To be eligible to apply for an NFLP loan, you need to be a U.S. citizen, a full- or part-time student in good standing in either the DNP or PhD program, and plan to teach in a school of nursing.
B. Scholarships and Loans
A detailed listing of available College of Nursing scholarships is located on the Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships webpage. You will receive notification to apply for scholarships through the scholarship portal at the beginning of October. Your application will be reviewed by the scholarship committee in the spring, and you will be notified if you have been selected to receive a scholarship by the end of May. Low-interest loans are available to graduate and undergraduate students through the Office of Student Financial Aid.
C. Graduate College Funding
Fellowships and funding opportunities are available from the University of Iowa Graduate College. Please see the current listing of funding opportunities on the Graduate College’s funding webpage.
D. Research Assistantships (PhD)
Research Assistantships are available for PhD Students. For more information see XIII. Graduate Assistantship (Research Assistantships).