10 Date
The date identifies when a resource was originally created. This can be a specific day, a month and a year, a year, or a range of years.
Question to Consider When Determining Date
- What is it that I am creating metadata for? For example, are you creating metadata for a digital file that represents a physical item or are you creating metadata for the physical item?
- Is the year given by the creator or somewhere on the text?
- If there is no date, how do you plan to indicate that? If you suspect that a resource was created at a particular time, do you want to record that date and if so, how do you plan to indicate that the date is given by you or the recordkeeper?
- When might it be useful to record the period of time that a resource was created?
Date Examples
- The day a photo was taken or a letter was written
- The day a digital file was created or published
- The year a high school yearbook is documenting
- The year or day that someone was born
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