12 Format

The format is the medium, file type, and/or the material form of the resource. Dimensions and file size may also be included here.

Questions to Consider When Determining Format

  • What materials were necessary for the creation of this resource? How was it created?
  • What does the structure, layout, genre, or composition tell us about the format?
  • Is metadata being recorded for a digital object or a physical object and how might that affect the kinds of formats that might be listed in the metadata for the resource?
  • Is it necessary or helpful to users to include the dimensions or size of the resource and how might that help indicate what the format of the resource is?

Format Examples

  • Sculpture
  • JPG (maybe with DPI or pixels)
  • Film Photograph

See Related Dublin Core Categories: Genre, Type


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Dublin Core Quick Start Copyright © 2024 by Caitlin S. Matheis; Bailey VandeKamp; and Micah S. Bateman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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