15 Publisher

A publisher is an entity responsible for making a resource more widely available after it has been created.

Some Questions to Consider When Determining Publisher

  • Was this item widely distributed?
  • Were copies made after the original creation?
  • Who was responsible for making sure users had access to the resource after its creation?
  • Is metadata being created for a physical item, a digital item, a physical item that has been digitized? Could there be more than one possible publisher?

Publisher Examples

  • Book publishing companies such as Penguin Random House or Harper Collins
  • School yearbook companies responsible for printing, binding, and creating a large number of copies to distribute to students
  • Ancestry.com could be considered a publisher for making genealogical information digitally available

See related Dublin Core categories: Source


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Dublin Core Quick Start Copyright © 2024 by Caitlin S. Matheis; Bailey VandeKamp; and Micah S. Bateman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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