16 Relation

A resource or resources related to the resource you are creating metadata for.

Questions to Consider When Determining Relation

  • How much are the related resources dependent on each other for users to understand and interpret the resource you are creating metadata for?
  • Does indicating a related resource in the item’s metadata expand the meaning or users’ understanding of the resource?
  • Is the item you’re creating metadata for derived from another resource or is there a resource derived from the item you are creating metadata for?

Relation Examples

  • A letter written in reply to another letter
  • A movie and the book it was based on
  • A chapter of a book and the whole book

See Related Dublin Core Categories: Source


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Dublin Core Quick Start Copyright © 2024 by Caitlin S. Matheis; Bailey VandeKamp; and Micah S. Bateman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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