19 Subject

The main topic of a resource.

Questions to Consider When Determining Subject

  • What is the main topic of the resource?
  • What are the genre + format of the resource and do they indicate anything about the subject of the resource?
  • What is the most important thing for my users to know about the content before reading a description?
  • Are there determined subject categories within the item’s holding institution and how does that inform the format of the subject I put into the metadata?

Subject Examples

  • A series of portraits of tennis pros might have the subject “tennis players”
  • “F. Scott Fitzgerald” would be the subject for a biography of the author
  • In a community archive, your institution may use family names or local events, places, or traditions, in the subject field

See Related Dublin Core Categories: Description, Title


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Dublin Core Quick Start Copyright © 2024 by Caitlin S. Matheis; Bailey VandeKamp; and Micah S. Bateman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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