20 Title
A name given to a resource.
Question to Consider When Determining a Title
- Is there an existing title given by the creator(s) and/or the contributor(s)?
- If you are generating metadata for a resource or text digitally, what is it that you are wanting to represent in your metadata; for example, are you trying to represent the digital file, the physical resource (if the digital metadata is representing, or the translation of a physical resource into a digital resource in your metadata? How does your approach affect the title of the source, if it affects it at all?
- If the resource does not have a title, are you going to give it one and how are you going to make sure that readers know that the title is given by you rather than by the creator of the resource? Is there a standard for supplying a title within your organization or within a set of items you are working with or will you have to create one and how will you be able to set a standard format for other supplied dates as you continue to generate metadata?
Title Examples
- Jane Eyre is the title of a novel by Jane Austen
- The name of an article in the newspaper
See related Dublin Core categories: