78 About Me

My name is Audrey Thomas. I am from Ely, Minnesota and am a freshman at University of Iowa studying pre-pharmacy. In my free time I love socializing with friends, listening to music (I’m really loving Zach Bryan right now!), taking naps, snacking and shopping. In high school I played volleyball and track, and still like staying active now by taking walks and workout classes. One day, I hope to work as a Pharmacist in a hospital!


Hi! It’s me Audrey again, this time three months later. It’s so interesting to see what my plans and interests were three months ago and how they have changed.  Over the past three months I’ve realized that chemistry is not my strongest suit, and with chemistry being the main coursework for Pharmacy majors, a wrench was thrown in that plan. I have now decided to go into Radiation Sciences and am working on applying to Iowa’s Radiation Sciences program this January with hopes of being a Radiation Therapist! I still love napping and listening to music (Zach Bryan is still one of my favorites as well as Noah Kahan!), I no longer have the funds to go shopping, and I’ve been really into working out at the Rec with my suitemates!

I took this course without really knowing what it was about. I saw the word “health” and with being a healthcare major, I was intrigued. As the course went on I was more and more grateful I took it.  I was most fascinated by the different forms of healing through art. Music therapy really stood out to me! The guest speaker’s stories were fascinating and I left class that day wanting to know more. All in all, I am very grateful I took this class and will hold on to the things I learned for life!




Media Attributions

  • Audrey-51


GHS: 2100 Foundations of Health Humanities Copyright © by Kristine Munoz. All Rights Reserved.

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