
48 Narrative Ethnography

I wrote my ethnography on the experience of one of my close friends, Rabab. She has a skin condition called Vitiligo in which there is a loss of color in blotches. This condition occurs when pigment-producing cells die or stop working and creates these random patches on the skin. I decided to interview her for my project, and asked her to tell me the shift of her thoughts on her vitiligo throughout her life. She told me a time she was on the Cambus her freshman year, and another student on the bus with her publicly asked her what was all over her face. Her vitiligo is around her eyes and is somewhat obvious as she has naturally darker skin and the vitiligo patches are white on her skin. She was embarrassed and her insecurities she thought she had conquered re-surfaced. I touched on how she felt and how she overcame this situation, and grew from it. I enjoyed writing this piece I think it allowed for me to move out of my comfort zone and grow as a writer.

Here is a fun picture of Rabab and I, so you can visualize who she is and what she looks like. I also linked my ethnography project below!


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GHS: 2100 Foundations of Health Humanities Copyright © by Kristine Munoz. All Rights Reserved.