82 Reflection on Learning – Why Medicine Needs Art

Why Medicine Needs Art

Art involved in medicine can be completely life-changing.  When people think of ways of making a cancer patient less sick, their first thought is probably going to be to “cure” the patient with medicines, procedures, and medical treatments, and although these can surely make cancer patients less sick, so can art. When a cancer patient is sick, their body and soul often go into flight or fight mode. They’re on edge and not able to relax, this can make them sicker. Arts such as dancing and singing can allow a person to relax. The relaxation brought about by arts can internally heal someone whose body has been in a mode of panic and fight or flight since becoming ill. This doesn’t only apply to cancer patients either, practicing arts as a form of medicine can be used for any illness.


GHS: 2100 Foundations of Health Humanities Copyright © by Kristine Munoz. All Rights Reserved.

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