Kristine: Instructions and example
This part will be an example. Remember:
- You each have a Part to work within. Please not make new Parts.
- To make any additions or changes, go to Organize. Scroll down to your Part (please don’t edit anyone else’s!) and Edit Part.
- Within your Part you will create Chapters (item three in list to the left.)
- Within Chapters you can create Textboxes (in the toolbar just above the current textbox). This will create a page break. For Reflections, for example, you could have a Chapter called Reflections on Learning and within that chapter, start a new textbox for each reflection.
- Within your Chapters you can add visual elements such as photos, videos, documents, etc. You will do that through the Add Media button up and to the left. You will do the actual creation of those items outside of Pressbook and upload them to the (large and growing) library of media. Again, please add only your own media!
- Remember to Save (red button to the right, at the top) frequently.
- Have fun and be creative!
- Also, don’t post anything here that is too personal, sensitive or unprofessional for the world to see.