9 About Me: Autumn Bellovary
About Me
I’m Autumn Bellovary, and I am a current student at the University of Iowa. I am currently majoring in nursing, my goal is to become a nurse in the ICU unit or in Labor and delivery. I have always had a passion for helping people ever since I was a little girl. Every time I would be with a friend group and someone got injured, I would be the person to take over. I am experienced in the hospital atmosphere, I know what it’s like to handle immediate attention patients/red hands, and I am very quick to adapt to a high stressful environment. I work fast paced, I am always to work on time, and I am hard work driven. I am always seeking to help customers/patients the best way that I can. My goals from this class are to get a better understanding on why humanities is an important view when looking at patients. I want to be able to truly understand what my patients are going through so I can help them to the best of my capability. I truly just want to become a very successful nurse, and I hope this class will help me reach that goal.