
10 Learning Portfolio

Final Learning Objective: What did I learn in this class and how did I learn it?

This course ultimately taught me what it means to look at things from a humanities perspective.  It showed me the difference between natural/social science approaches to health compared to humanistic ones. The natural/social science approach is more science-related. They don’t really pay close attention to the WHO exactly the patient is,  just more on the exactly why they are in. When you look at a patient with a humanistic view, you get to really understand them. What ethnic background they’re from, how they feel, and who they are as a person. Humanities showed me how to this by looking at pieces of art. When we went to the art museum for example, there was this fish. But instead of it just being a fish, we looked at it more deeply, and got to learn its background story, So it had a way bigger meaning than it just being a fish.

Through this course, I also learned how to incorporate reflections as part of my learning. By doing reflections, I would talk about what we’re learning, why we’re learning it, and what I took from it. I thought of it almost like keeping a diary. But, while doing this, it gave me a habit to look for those types of things while learning something actively. Like in class we would be talking abut something, and in my head I would ask myself what the point is we’re learning and why we’re learning it. I would basically summarize each class in my head, this made learning a lot easier!


Learning Reflection 4: What I know now about AI

This semester, I have learned many new things about AI that have helped me a lot academically. To start off, lots of people know of the study app Quizlet. Well, I just recently found that they have an AI system where they will generate questions and help you learn about a topic for an exam. This has been super useful because it basically generates practice tests for each topic for my classes! I don’t know what it is, but it helps me retain information a lot better, rather than just flipping through flashcards.

Another thing I learned about AI is that you can pretty much plug anything into it and you can tell it what to do and it will do it. For example, one day in class we were going over articles, and our teacher had us plug it into Chatgpt and tell it to turn that article into a song, Dr. Seuss’s poems, etc. This made it so much easier to understand what the article was talking about, and made it a lot more interesting! Another example of this was when our teacher had us put an article into Notebook LM, and it made a podcast out of it! This was so cool to see, it was way easier to understand what the article was talking about, along with it being a little creepy hearing robot voices. Overall, AI makes a lot of things way more easier on us college students.


Learning Reflection 2: What is active listening?

Active listening is giving your undivided attention to someone while they are talking to you. Usually, when you’re talking to people others may interrupt what you’re saying, or make comments and ask questions when you’re not even done telling your story, or saying what you have to say. But, with active listening, you hold eye contact, and truly just listen to the other person. What I’ve learned from active listening is that it allows you to fully engage in someone’s stories and truly hear what the other is saying without any distractions. Yes, active listening can be hard sometimes when you get a burning question to ask them, but they will eventually answer that question anyway as they go more into their story.


Learning Reflection 1: How I learn

Over the years I have learned how to become an outgoing person. I used to be a super shy kid. I’m talking about the type of kid to go and hide behind her mom when someone would come approach her. Up until high school, I was always known as a shy kid. But, during high school, I took certain classes like speech and debate classes, or classes where you would have a lot of presentations. Over time, I learned how to become comfortable talking to other people, or multiple people at once. I think because of the classes, and the practice, and the reoccurrence of doing all these things helped me become and outgoing person. In college,  took a rhetoric speaking class which was speeches we would have to present every class. In the beginning, I was a little nervous to go to class everyday knowing what was to come. But, over time I would feel so comfortable just getting up in front of a class and talking. Now, I am the most outgoing person I have ever known. These classes helped me learn how to do that.

Learning Reflection 3: VTS

I have personally engaged in VTS before in other classes. There was an image we were shown in my Diversity in American Culture class that didn’t really have a direct meaning, it was more of how you interpreted it. Just like the painting we were shown in class, people interpret it differently, it’s all about what you observe and make of it. The process of VTS is to really observe what you’re looking at and take notes of it, then think about what you could conclude from those observations to help give an idea of what that image is trying to convey. The purpose of VTS is to really engage in what you’re looking at and dive deeper into the purpose of what it is you’re looking at. From observing the painting in class, I learned that there is way more to an image than what you first see. After taking that first glance, it’s best to take several other glances and absorb what else you see in the image to give yourself a better understanding instead of coming to fast conclusions. When I observed the MERF building, it allowed me to actually understand the purpose of the building. There were many pod-like rooms that brought people together, it was a very social building. It made medicine more fun for everyone in the building. I would’ve never gathered this if I hadn’t gone around and actually observed the building.


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Foundations of Health Humanities 2024 Copyright © 2024 by Kristine Munoz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.