
62 Learning Reflections

How I Learn

The easiest way for me to learn is through repetition. One way that I learn through repetition is with the use of notecards. If I have an exam that I need to study for, I will make notecards with all of the information that I need. This way, I can quiz myself on the information written on the cards. By repeatedly quizzing myself through the use of notecards, it helps me to remember the information that I need to know.

Learning Reflection 1: Active Listening

Active listening is a social skill that requires listening carefully and attentively, analyzing what others are saying, and delivering a response that demonstrates that you were listening to them and have taken in what they were saying. Active listening is a skill that is important for improving communication. A big part of active listening is eliminating distractions, as they cause us to lose focus on the person who is speaking, therefore leading us away from being an active listener. I have practiced being an  active listener a few times over the past week, and I realized that I became more attentive and understanding to what my friends and family were saying to me. I learned to keep my focus on the conversation instead of letting distractions tune out the people that I was listening to. Through these experiences, I have learned that active listening is a beneficial skill because it teaches you to be present in the moment, builds stronger communication skills, and keeps your focus on the conversation you are involved in.

Learning Reflection 2: Visual Thinking Strategies

I have never engaged with Visual Thinking Strategies before. After learning about VTS, I understand that it is a teaching style that enables students to improve critical thinking and communication skills through conversations related to visual images. The purpose of VTS is to help students enhance their abilities to explain, evaluate, and comprehend images and information by engaging in discussions about visual art. From observing and discussing the painting in class, I learned that everyone may interpret visual art in different ways. I also learned that VTS allows students to work together and share ideas with each other. Observing the MERF changed my views on medicine and taught me that medicine isn’t always negative, and that it can be fun. We observed that there were many pods inside the building with windows that we were able to see through. This showed us that workers inside the building are able to collaborate with each other and put their ideas together. We also observed that there is a healthy mix of work and play, as there were activities going on outside the building, as well as food shops inside the building to allow workers to take a break.

What I Know Now About AI

This semester, I have learned many different things about AI, whether it was information I already knew or information that was new to me. AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, and there are many different uses of AI. The main uses of AI include providing answers to questions and information on various topics, summarizing texts, generating images, proofreading and editing, creating stories, and citing sources. I will share a few of the ways I have learned to use AI throughout this semester.

One of the many ways I have learned to use AI was to generate summaries of articles. While using AI to summarize articles, I have found that the AI generated summaries compared to the creation of my own summaries were missing some important information and left out major points of the article. Even though AI does tend to generate summaries that leave out information, I do think it is helpful in giving the general idea of an article if time does not allow for the entire article to be read. Another way I have learned to use AI was when we summarized an article in the style of a Dr. Seuss poem. This was something that I never thought of asking AI to generate and I thought it was interesting to see what AI would come up with when given this prompt. This was definitely a way to make an article easier to understand and remember, and I thought it was a very clever way of comprehending the content of an article.

Although these are only two of the ways that I have learned to use AI, I have come to realize that AI is not always accurate, and you should never rely on it. I have experimented with AI and there were many times when I have noticed that some of the information that it was giving back to me was either inaccurate or completely untrue. This is why AI should never be relied on or trusted, as information can be false and lead to delays in learning.

What and How I Learned

This semester has taught me a lot about health, illness, and healing. I have learned many new ways of thinking, as well as many new skills that have helped to further my learning. I gained knowledge on how individuals express their health and medical issues through art, music, film, and social media. Before taking this course, I never put a thought to the fact that people express themselves in different ways when it comes to their health issues. I learned about music therapy as a way of healing, as well as making art to heal, teaching me that people cope with their illness in different ways.

One of the skills that I picked up through this course was reflecting on my own learning. Before taking this course, I never used to reflect on my learning. I never thought it was beneficial or helpful in any way, but after doing it so many times in this course, I realize that it has helped me to understand what exactly I learned, and it allows me to reinforce and strengthen the information that I have learned. Reflecting on my learning has helped me gain a sense of accomplishment.


Projects: creative project is required, synthesis project is required


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