28 Learning Reflections
How I Learn:
The Act of Being Present: Active Listening
Before performing the active listening assignment, I only had a vague idea of what it was and how to demonstrate it. I initially believed that it was simply listening to someone, and perhaps offering some criticisms or solutions for their problems. However, after actively listening to one of my friends over facetime and reflecting on the experience, I have definitely had some valuable takeaways from the experience. While on facetime with my friends, I usually multitask – only partially listening to them while doing homework or something which takes my mind off the conversation. But while talking with my friend, I fully engaged with the conversation, making it clear that I was invested in what he was saying without interjecting as I usually would. From this, I heard him describe in detail how he was working at a camp over the weekend (and how the basement was supposedly haunted). Not only did he provide details which I would have normally missed, but I saw him become more animated in conversation and he seemed like he was enjoying himself. I was glad to see these changes, and although it didn’t seem hard at first to actively listen, I realized that it was hard to focus on listening so much rather than talking myself. After this exercise, I realized that active listening means more than being a pair of ears for someone, but to really soak in all of the information and even occasionally paraphrase it to ensure that you aren’t making any false conclusions or interpretations. It also doesn’t always include offering advice or criticism, as this can actually make someone feel worse about their situation, and can lead them not feeling as comfortable talking to you about things
Thinking With My Eyes
Before looking at the painting and the MERF, I had never really used visual thinking strategies before. I’ve always used my eyes to determine information from my surroundings, but I found it challenging to go past my usual limits and derive as much information as I could from a room, window, or painting (such as the one in class). When I first heard about it in this class, I thought it was redundant and not very useful – since I already knew how to use my eyes! However, I quickly realized that I was missing lots of things when I looked at something – such as the painting we analyzed in class. I wasn’t looking in the corners, or edges, or where my eyes had automatically filled in information for me. I learned a lot from immediately jotting down what I saw in an image or surroundings – no matter how insignificant it may appear to me at first. Then, it was crucial for me to pick one or two specific things from my jottings to focus upon, such as the clothing of a person within a painting, or what images were painted on glass panes within the MERF, and analyze the importance/relevance of these details. Then, I would look around myself (or at the painting) again, because no matter how many times I looked, I always saw something I missed. It felt frustrating that I continuously missed details that others around me seemed to notice almost immediately, however I soon realized throughout the VTS exercises that I was becoming more thorough, and I was assuming less about the thing I saw. Rather than thinking that the only importance in a painting were the people and their obvious actions, I noticed that all of the intricate details – the tools, where the eyes were pointed towards, figures towards the back, and details only present “in between” the action – were equally important, and provides a more nuanced and complete view of the story being told.
I’ve learned that utilizing VTS makes me understand the entire picture without overlooking the details. This allows me to interpret what I see with my eyes in a variety of contexts, whether it be buildings or paintings. This is important for me to use, since it allows me to gather information and nuances that I would have otherwise missed due to thinking it’s “just a small detail” or “irrelevant.” For example, I want to be a physician in the future, and by just looking at the face and bodily language of a patient, I will need to effectively utilize VTS to ensure that I am providing the best care to people – even if it’s for things that aren’t directly spoken to me, but rather observed (by using my eyes!). When I looked at the painting in class, I learned that there are areas I tend to skim over or completely ignore in favor of where all the “action” is. Even within the centerpiece of the painting, I was neglecting to look at each person’s eyes to determine what they were thinking and what was going on. I’ve learned that rather than making generalizations, assumptions, and skimming over a piece of art, I need to carefully analyze each part, looking into the details and then connecting them to the rest of the image to draw nuances and create a more complete story. From looking around the MERF, I realized that a medical building designed for research and education can accomplish so, so much more than its “immediate” purpose. Most notably, I observed how it creates a strong sense of community by incorporating learning communities, which have their own animal mascots drawn/painted on the glass outside. In an intensely competitive environment, medical students have been given others which share their passion and goals – but who are there to support and engage with each other. I also noticed the incorporation of natural lighting by the immense amount of large windows used in the building’s design. This contrasts with the usual “hospital lighting” where bright lights appear to sterilize the space, while the rays of sunlight throughout the MERF warm the building and make it seem less cold. Wide, spacious rooms with high ceilings and lots of couches/chairs close together encourage socialization while people study or eat together, rather than supporting further competition and isolation which medical students are all too familiar with. Finally, I observed various artwork created by medical students, such as a pair of lungs carved out of wood, which incorporates beauty and art within the research facility. By observing the different spaces of the MERF, I realized how nuanced not only artwork can be, but also buildings – which foster community and beauty as well as medical education.
Using a Machine to Think: What I Know Now about AI
This semester, I learned about the specific strengths and weaknesses of using AI to create summaries of articles. While certain platforms such as ChatGPT provide quick, lengthy responses, the summaries often provide generalized information, which may be about completely unrelated topics. For example, when I asked ChatGPT during class to summarize an article on generalized anxiety disorder, it began talking about surface level information such as clinical symptoms before going on a long tangent about the dangers of Covid-19. As I just mentioned, ChatGPT also has trouble going into deep detail about topics and providing adequate context for the information it does provide.
Some of the shortcomings of AI have, however, strengthened some of my skills with creating detailed, specific prompts for sites such as ChatGPT. Now, I usually include a length for the response I want from ChatGPT, such as telling me about a topic in two sentences. This is useful if I need a brief refresher on a topic or if I want to know a little bit about something I’ve never heard of before. For example, before I created my collage on leukemia, I wanted to make sure the information I knew was relevant, and so I asked ChatGPT to “give me a brief description of leukemia in one paragraph”. Because I also told it to be ‘brief’, I can ensure that the response isn’t very complex in two sentences. From asking AI about leukemia, my knowledge was affirmed and without having to do multiple specific google searches, I knew it was a type of cancer which impacts the blood cells in the body, and that patients usually exhibit abnormal white blood cell counts.
Along with the collage, I asked ChatGPT to create an image representing the inner struggles of a patient who is sick with leukemia. I definitely had the least experience with asking AI to do something of this nature, and the images at first were not what I wanted at all. I had to carefully “fine tune” the process by looking at each image and say things such as “be more abstract” or “represent inner turmoil more distinctly”. Because ChatGPT struggles with nuance and vague descriptions, the process took many images until a satisfactory one was generated
How’d I Do? Final Learning Reflection
(3) Explore and expand your own moral imagination and empathy through hearing stories of stigma, oppression and shame as they relate to health care decisions.
Before I heard the stories of people’s experiences with getting the medical attention they needed through our health care system, I only had vague ideas about how people were treated and how they could feel poorly if they had a negative experience. However, I have since realized the specific ways that healthcare staff can influence a patient’s experience – whether it’s through a physician stereotyping their patient based on their gender (such as what happened to my mother), or from nurses refusing to administer pain medication to a patient crying out in pain because they believe they’re seeking drugs. After realizing how commonplace specific situations like these are, I have become more understanding of people being hesitant to trust healthcare workers or seek medical attention when they are ill. I did not completely realize how deeply someone’s race, gender, or income could impact the way they are treated by and perceived by healthcare workers, especially to the extent of denying a patient medicine to relieve their suffering because of the color of their skin. After hearing numerous recounts of times where patients have felt unwelcome in the process of being treated by professionals, I am now able to empathize with the storytellers more and keep a more open mind about how their possible oppression contributed to their overall experience.
(1) Information literacy: You will increase your ability to find and evaluate sources of information and how to synthesize information from different sources into sound arguments.
After reading a social science article near the beginning of this course, as well as finding four primary sources (articles) related to a research question for my final project, I have become more proficient in understanding and summarizing the key concepts/findings in research papers. While I was finding sources for the synthesis project, I had to disregard many articles that didn’t quite discuss information relevant to my research question. I had to include different keywords, sift through many articles by reading through the abstract, introduction, and conclusion/findings efficiently to determine how useful it was for my purposes. Although it was a daunting task, I am now more familiar with the process of finding relevant primary sources to support my arguments and provide detailed conclusions that I can incorporate into my writing.