4 Learning Reflections
Learning Reflection 1- Explain to your best friend
Hey Chandana,
You know that I am taking the health humanities course right? I want to explain it so that you have a better idea know what it is. Health humanities is becoming a more popular field in the medical field that explores the intersection between illness and healing by considering what the human experience is in all of it. It is different than medical humanities, because it is less focussed on the biomedical side, and considers the humanity aspect such as storytelling or visual art. It brings a spotlight to the under-representation of the patient’s entire life, rather than just their medical condition. It also brings in concepts and theories we have learned about such as social determinants of health, intersectionality, and cultural safety (I know this is relevant from my cultural competency course). To continue advancing the medical field, it is important to know the objective science behind different health aspects. It is much more difficult to ensure sustainability without fully capturing what studies don’t… empathy. The study of humanities allows people to advocate and give that autonomy, all of which play a part in the patient’s journey.
This was sent as a text message, and here is her response.
Hey Apeksha,
This looks great to me! I think you covered all points and it is worded in a way that challenges the reader to consider their perspective and understand the meanings of both health humanities and medical humanities. Love the part where you mentioned empathy and the role this plays in learning about a patient’s life rather than their medical history since they are more than that.
Learning Reflection 2- Active Listening
I had a deep and meaningful conversation with my boyfriend about his healthcare experience that he had not told me about before. I have known my boyfriend for almost a year, and he has briefly mentioned his previous heart condition but never in detail. My boyfriend talked about his experiences with COVID, the surgery for his heart, and his departure from the U.S. Naval Academy. Due to the nature of our relationship, he spoke at great lengths to describe both the humanity and biomedical aspects. My boyfriend knows that I am hard of hearing, so I, unfortunately, did have to react here and there to ask clarifying questions. I validated him a couple of times, but I cried when I found out how much pain he had gone through. I also noticed that I reacted by sharing stories of my sister after he finished talking. When I used active listening, I was taken into the story as if I were the one who saw everything unfold. I will also note that I was eating food, so this was my primary distraction sometimes, and that is when I would ask him to repeat if I was not paying attention.
Learning Reflection 3- Visual Thinking Strategies
Learning Reflection 4- What I now know about AI
Final Learning Reflection- What did I learn in this class, and how did I learn it?
Before taking the Health Humanities course, I chose to reflect and integrate experiences with different art forms through a biomedical lens from my public and global health classes. I did not know how to do either of these things before taking this course, but now I have knowledge and experience that I can use to integrate into my own life.
Before starting in August, I had limited knowledge of different art forms of medicine. I had a perception that art was something that health professionals did outside of their working hours. I failed to consider the intersections of health professionals using art to express their lived experiences until I consumed media from them. It includes reading testaments about the experiences within the emergency department or listening to podcasts explaining the strain on healthcare workers. It is how I understood the knowledge I can gain through the diverse ways art is expressed and communicated to audiences. Documentaries about the life-changing nature of music therapy to Alzheimer patients not only serve as a form of healing for these patients, but audiences understand the innate nature that these illnesses can impact that may not be obvious otherwise. Setting aside patients or healthcare professions, I did not know the creative ways I could engage in media that displayed health and produce work that would bring my struggles to light. I am glad I could finally write a narrative ethnography about my mom’s birthing experience in this class. The assignment made me realize how Nepal’s healthcare functioned through the eyes of someone who utilized it rather than from studies. Listening to my mom made her feel heard when I shared her story. Another way was to write lyrics and sing to my condition that I have not fully grasped or gotten diagnosed with, which is chronic loneliness. I felt therapeutic healing, which was not a feeling I had felt before taking the class, especially as I could portray the message and the intended impact on the audience.
Before taking this course, I reflected on different concepts for just text given or a prompt, before taking this class. Only during the reflection assignment would I mindfully take the time to understand the connections to my knowledge and try to identify the change in my perspective. This class taught me how to reflect on experiences, which is a humanities way of thinking. These reflections come from the learning reflections in PressBooks after an activity or a field trip had occurred. Knowing that I would have to reflect encouraged my engagement in my participation by employing active listening or visual thinking strategies with assignments. After going to the art museum or the biomedical laboratories, I now know how I can engage with art or be present in the moment to gain learning from it. It gives me clarity after I choose to go to museums from now on after taking this course. In other classes before this course, when I participated in discussions, the goal was to fill out a worksheet. This time, the discussion helped me to reflect on what we just consumed or the activity done in class. I could better engage with the assignments by listening and taking in the information from classmates.
How I learn
Throughout college, I like to find that the best way I have learned academically is through concept practice. Without seeing the real-life application of this or in what way it is relevant to my career work, my brain turns off. Finding the connection that intertwines different ideas makes it easier to understand why I am learning it and then I can curate my study techniques to understand these topics. I think that is why discussions, field trips, and media help to capture lecture information as relevant topics, and why I like some of my classes over others. After I head on to grad-school, I want to make the most use of asking for help and going to the professors office hours, because those connections can unlock the knowledge they have in their mind which often times will directly help me with what I am struggling with.