
63 Projects

Creative Project

Song #1

Song title: Whiskey Lullaby

Artist: Brad Paisley and Alison Krauss

What does this song say to you? This song describes how a couple drank themselves to death after breaking up with each other, using the phrases “drink his pain away” and “finally drank away her memory”

Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction? I chose this song to connect to addiction because it truly shows how addiction can affect people. In this case, the song describes alcohol addiction and shows how being addicted to alcohol ultimately led the couple to their deaths


Song #2

Song title: If I Stop Drinkin’

Artist: Dustin Lynch

What does this song say to you? This song tells the story of how the artist uses alcohol to forget about a past relationship, using it to drink away his pain and memories of her, describing how drinking is the “only thing that’s workin”

Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction? This song connects to addiction because it shows how the artist is using alcohol to forget about something from his past. He abuses alcohol so he doesn’t have to feel the pain of losing his relationship and to forget about the memories he made


Song #3

Song title: Beer Never Broke My Heart

Artist: Luke Combs

What does this song say to you? This song talks about how there have been a lot of things that have disappointed the artist in his life, but alcohol isn’t one of them, describing that it “ain’t ever let me down”

Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction? This song connects to addiction because it shows how the artist turns to alcohol to escape what has disappointed him in his life and believes that it will never break his heart, and he can always trust it


Song #4

Song title: Drunk on a Plane

Artist: Dierks Bentley

What does this song say to you? This song talks about how the artist deals with a failed relationship by drinking heavily on a plane, describing how he will “try anything to drown out the pain”

Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction? I chose this song to connect to addiction because it shows how the artist uses drinking as a way to numb the pain that he is feeling. In this case, he talks about drinking on a plane, which is somewhere that people don’t normally heavily drink, showing his struggle with alcohol addiction


Song #5

Song title: Whiskey and You

Artist: Chris Stapleton

What does this song say to you? This song talks about how the artist drinks alcohol because he is lonely and he uses it so he doesn’t feel pain, describing how the bottle on his dresser is “empty so right now I don’t feel a thing”

Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction? This song connects to addiction because it describes how the artist has a problem with drinking and how it has turned into more than casual drinking. The lyrics of the song show how his drinking has led to a way to deal with his pain and how he has started to depend on alcohol


Song #6

Song title: Drinkin’ Problem

Artist: Midland

What does this song say to you? This song talks about how the artist recognizes the addiction that he has to drinking and how he uses it to drown out his feelings, describing how “they call it a problem, I call it a solution”

Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction? I chose this song to connect to addiction because it shows how the artist acknowledges that he has a drinking problem and is aware that it is unhealthy. The artist describes that while he is aware that his drinking is an issue, he doesn’t see it as that big of a problem because he sees it as a solution


Song #7

Song title: Whiskey Glasses

Artist: Morgan Wallen

What does this song say to you? This song talks about how the artist uses alcohol to numb the pain that he is feeling from a breakup, describing how he wants to “sip until the pain wears off”

Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction? This song connects to addiction because it describes how the artist uses alcohol to cope with the way he is feeling after going through a breakup. The lyrics show how the artist is dependent on alcohol to help him forget about the way that he is feeling


Song #8

Song title: Beer Can’t Fix

Artist: Thomas Rhett

What does this song say to you? This song talks about how drinking alcohol can wash away any pain and how drinking can be used to cope with difficult emotions, describing how there “ain’t nothing that a beer can’t fix”

Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction? I chose this song to connect to addiction because it describes how the artist uses drinking to fix his problems and wash them away. These lyrics show how some people use alcohol to escape their problems and use drinking as a way to fix them and forget about them


Song #9

Song title: Whiskey River

Artist: Willie Nelson

What does this song say to you? This song talks about how the artist depends on alcohol and uses it to take his mind off of the things that he doesn’t want to remember, describing how alcohol is “all I’ve got, take care of me”

Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction? This song connects to addiction because it describes how the artist drowns his sorrows in alcohol and depends on it to forget about his suffering. These lyrics show how the artist turns to alcohol to take his mind off of what he is feeling


Song #10

Song title: Drinking Alone

Artist: Carrie Underwood

What does this song say to you? This song talks about how the artist uses alcohol to deal with the pain of her problems and turns to drinking alone, describing how “drownin’ the pain is better”

Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction? I chose this song to connect to addiction because it describes how the artist is using alcohol to escape the reality of what she is feeling and uses it to feel better and drown her problems. The lyrics describe how the artist has a desire to drink alone, emphasizing how alcohol has taken over her life instead of using the people she is close to for support

DJ Statement: The kind of addiction I chose to work with was alcohol addiction. My favorite genre of music is country, which is the kind of music I chose for my three tracks. I chose alcohol addiction because I have personally seen people struggle with alcohol addiction and I have seen the way that they abuse alcohol, and I want to bring awareness to how people use alcohol as an escape, and how people may never know or be able to see the ways in which people use alcohol. The intended audience of these tracks are the people who relate to using alcohol in the similar ways that the artists did, which are people who are struggling and have just gone through something difficult and painful, to where they use alcohol as a way to forget and keep their mind off of the tragic time that they are going through. These tracks help to understand the ways in which alcohol addiction can affect people, with the intent of warning people of what could happen when alcohol abuse is taken too far. They describe the impacts that alcohol has had on their lives, as well as the lives of others, hopefully teaching people that abusing alcohol should never be the answer. “Whiskey Lullaby” describes the life of two people who abused alcohol to the point of death, and I think this song teaches people to never turn to alcohol because of what it could lead to. “If I Stop Drinkin” describes how the artist uses alcohol to forget about his past to where he doesn’t have to feel the pain of his loss, teaching those struggling with the same thing to not rely on alcohol as an escape. Similarly, “Beer Never Broke My Heart” describes how the artist trusts alcohol to never disappoint him, unlike other events in his life, teaching the similar message to not rely on alcohol when other things are disappointing you in your life. The rest of the tracks all have a similar message and relate to each other in the way of describing the use of alcohol to numb negative feelings and pain. All of these tracks can allow those struggling in the same ways as the artists to understand that they are not alone in what they are going through and they should not be ashamed of their struggles. These songs are meant to help those struggling so that they don’t feel like they are alone and the way they feel is valid. All of these tracks also allow those struggling to find hope for their futures and teaches them that they can recover and become a better version of themselves.


Synthesis Project




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Foundations of Health Humanities 2024 Copyright © 2024 by Kristine Munoz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.