87 Projects
Music Therapy
Song #1.
Song title: Swimming Pools
Artist: Kendrick Lamar
What does this song say to you?
This song tells me how one alcoholic can make others around them alcoholics as well, with lines like “why you babysitting only 2 or 3 shots” and “imma show you how to turn it up a notch” showcasing how an alcoholic can drag others into their addiction by pressuring them to drink more than they initially were planning on drinking. Then during some of the verses bottles of alcohol will be speaking to kendrick, saying how they’ll drown his sorrows and make him feel better. All in all the song showcases both how alcoholics can bring others into their addiction and how once the addiction has started, alcohol can seem to be the answer for everything.
Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction?
I chose this song because I think it perfectly showcases how addiction is a disease in more than they way you can’t really control whether or not you get addicted to something, but also that it can spread from person to person.
Song #2.
Song title: Codeine Crazy
Artist: Future
What does this song say to you?
This song is about how after the artist Future and his fiance broke up he began to drown himself in lean, while the beat and melody portray the highs and lows of an addiction and how it makes you feel. The beat giving off a more upbeat vibe when the lyrics are about suicide and loneliness.
Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction?
I chose this song because I think it encapsulates how anything can jumpstart an addiction, and I also think that the song portrays the highs and lows of addiction very well.
Song #3.
Song title: XO Tour Life
Artist: Lil Uzi Vert
What does this song say to you?
This song tells me about when Uzi was broken up with by his girlfriend he felt very betrayed, lonely, and suicidal, and found comfort in drugs and alcohol. While it’s delivered over a fast, high tempo beat, the lyrics behind it are incredibly haunting and serious.
Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction?
I chose this song because once again it goes over how a lot of things can jumpstart an addiction, while also showing how sometimes drugs and alcohol can be comforting to a person going through a hard time, regardless of whether they are doing significant harm to themselves by taking it.
Song #4.
Song Title: Mother I Sober
Artist: Kendrick Lamar
What does this song say to you?
This song shows how addiction is not limited to drugs and alcohol, but can also reach further into someone’s mind. The first half of Mother I Sober is not about addiction, but rather about his mothers sexual abuse, and her fear that he would encounter the same fate. The second half of the song is about Kendricks sex addiction. He goes into detail about how it has affected his relationship with his fiance and family, and how he has seeked therapy to reconcile the demons in his past that helped feed this addiction.
Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction?
This song shows how addiction affects people and can take form in vastly different varieties from person to person. It also shows how no two addictions are the same. In the song Kendrick is very clear about his use of therapy and strong emotional bonds to overcome his crippling addiction. However in other cases it is important to note that therapy and close connections are not the end all be all of their addiction. Some addictions are much more difficult to get over than others, and it’s extremely important to bring that realization to all levels of thought, and institutions of research surrounding addiction.
Song #5.
Song Title: Mr. Morale
Artist: Kendrick Lamar
What does this song say to you?
This song is also about Kedrick Lamar’s sex addiction, and his realization within himself that he had an “lust addiction” as he puts it within the context of the song. He also dives into generational trauma, and how during his therapy sessions he learned that the cause of his sex addiction could have been partially due to his mothers excessive worrying about Kendrick getting sexually abused. The song also shows how this trauma can change form throughout generations, in this instance Kendrick’s mother’s lack of control over her sexual life influenced Kendrick to be obsessed with controlling his, and proving it as many times as he could.
Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction?
Mr. Morale is a song that exemplifies the complexity of addiction, and further exemplifies how easily addictions can be started. Building off of XO Tour Life, Mr. Morale portrays yet another way addictions can be started. It also helps bring perspective to those who have experienced trauma, but have not yet fully healed from it.
Song #6.
Song: Once an Addict
Artist: J. Cole
What does this song say to you?
This song starts off by explaining J. Cole’s disdain for his mothers use of alcohol, and his resentment of her alcoholism. The song then shifts to describe Cole’s own experience with substance abuse, and the feeling that there was no real way out, and that since he’s an addict now, then he’ll always be an addict. The song then ends by Cole reflecting and reminiscing on his and his mothers past, and wishing that someone had gotten involved and tried to help them both out sooner.
Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction?
Once an addict perfectly encapsulates how trapped you feel once you become addicted ot a substance. The feeling of being trapped within the bounds of your addiction, and the feeling that you will never be anything more than your addiction are so perfectly represented within the lyrics of this song. It also provides a call to action for close friends and family members of those who are in the early stages of substance addictions. Believing that if his close friends and family would have intervened, believing that if someone else had gotten involved before his addiction took full effect, then maybe he wouldn’t have become addicted to drugs in the first place.
Song #7.
Artist: J Cole
What does this song say to you?
This song is a complex duet between J. Cole and an alter ego of himself. It tells the story of Edward, who is a victim of substance abuse, and attempts to break down the reasons why one might become addicted to drugs. The character Edward first goes over the surface level reasons why he became addicted to drugs (depression, anxiety, etc), but later, Cole gives his verse and proclaims that there are many other reasons why he could have became addicted (Generational trauma, Upbringing, Childhood trauma, etc)
Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction?
I believe the perspective that this song brings to the listener can be very beneficial to those who have a negative mindset when it comes to addiction. When some people are prompted on addictions to drugs, they believe that drug addictions are totally voluntary, and if you aren’t able to overcome your addiction you are weak. This mindset is not good for those who are actually addicted to drugs, and can lead to the feeling of helplessness when dealing with their addiction. Bringing a better perspective to those not involved with substance abuse can help create a more open and comforting environment for addicts to come forward and get the help they need.
Song #8.
Song: Wrld On Drugs
Artist: Future, Juice Wrld
What does this song say to you?
This song is about Future’s persona walking about in a world full of drugs, trying not to get involved. Then Juice Wrld’s persona comes along and convinces Future to try just once, which leads to Future being trapped in this world on drugs, and how now he cannot get out because everyone is trying to keep him in.
Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction?
Wrld on Drugs showcases perfectly how peer pressure can force someone into an addiction when they were otherwise not going to get involved with that lifestyle. It shows how important it is to surround yourself with people who have your best interest in mind, and how surrounding yourself with the wrong people can have extremely dire consequences.
Song #9.
Song: No Question (Feat. Future)
Artist: Rich the Kid, Future
What does this song say to you?
In Future’s verse on this song, he raps about his realization that he needs to go to rehab. In his verse he portrays this by showcasing his inner dialog whenever he takes drugs to silence his addiction for a short time. With verses like “Drinking lean smoking kush, taking molly’s on, molly’s on Yeah, R.I.P that Amy Winehouse, Yeah I need to go to rehab, I need to go to rehab, I need to go to rehab, Yeah I need to go to rehab, I need to go to rehab, I need to go to rehab,” he shows that he knows what he is doing is bad and will have adverse side effects on both his mental and physical health in the long run. Yet throughout the song he repeatedly goes back to his bottle and get another dose despite telling himself that what he is doing is not good and he needs to get help.
Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction?
Future’s verse can help those with no experience with addiction better empathize with those struggling with it. By showcasing his inner monologue, he can give insight to those who are fortunate enough to not have experienced addiction. This can help bring better understanding and a more empathetic dialogue when the topic of addiction is brought to the table.
Song #10.
Song: Can’t Feel My Face
Artist: The Weeknd
What does this song say to you?
While at first glance this song appears to be about a woman or the Weeknd’s girlfriend; upon further inspection the song can be interpreted to be about the Weeknd’s cocaine addiction. With verses like “and she’ll always get the best of be, the worst is yet to come,” and ” I know she’ll be the death of me, at least we’ll both be numb.” Implying that he knows how terrible this addiction is, yet he continues doing this substance because it is the only thing that warms the everlasting cold within his life.
Why did you choose this song to connect to addiction?
Can’t Feel My Face can help listeners understand that sometimes someone with an addiction can feel like they have an almost romantic relationship with it. The same feeling some get when they are with a loved one can be replicated and produced when they are on substances, and how it can feel to those people that getting over their addiction and stopping their use of their substances can feel as though they are going through the loss of a loved one, this comparison can help people who haven’t experienced an addiction relate to the withdrawals addicts get when they’ve gone a prolonged period of time without using.
DJ Statement: A close listen with an open mind to these songs can help those who have no previous affiliation with addiction better understand the circumstances that create it, the stresses that addiction creates, the feelings that addiction can bring to the addict, and just how difficult getting sober is. Listening to Kendrick’s discography can better help those uninvolved with addiction realize that addiction is not limited to drugs and alcohol, and can stem from a variety of things such as: sex, eating, video games, and more. Hearing J. Cole’s melodies can help the uninvolved better understand the feeling of abandonment and the many possible reasons as to why an addiction started. Future can bring perspective to the seemingly contradictory actions of addicts who want to get sober. By embodying his own inner monologue when feeding his addiction, he can help the unaffiliated better empathize with those who want to quit. And The Weeknd is able to portray the false feelings of love some of these drugs can create in people’s minds, and the feeling of abandonment whenever they try to quit. Even with just these 4 artists a world of progress can be made in the minds of those who are uneducated on the topic of addiction, and on a broader spectrum when other artists with more stories and experiences join the brigade, people of all social, and ethnic backgrounds can partake in a much more efficient, productive, and empathetic dialogue surrounding addiction.