
14 Projects

Exploring the Impact of Standardized Exams on Teen Identity: An Art Therapy

     Standardized exams are important milestones in a student’s academic journey.
These exams can impact their future education and career opportunities. In addition, they
significantly affect students’ mental health and sense of self-identity. For many students,
standardized exams are not just an academic hurdle but also a period of intense self
reflection. Adolescence is a critical period for identity development, yet the pressure of
standardized testing can hinder this process. Current high schools are not addressing
emotional and identity-related challenges. Without a meaningful outlet for emotional
expression, students risk internalizing these challenges in ways that can hurt their
academic success and personal growth. This paper will explore how art therapy, a proven
method for enhancing self-expression and resilience, can help students navigate the
emotional and identity-related challenges that can come from standardized testing. Art
therapy can help students use self-expression and can provide resilience that can be
applied both academically and personally. My humanities intervention will include
incorporating art therapy into physical education classes in high schools before taking high
stakes exams.

Standardized exams often extend beyond an academic evaluation, significantly
impacting students’ mental health and sense of identity. Research has shown that high
stakes testing can lead to increased anxiety and diminish confidence particularly when
students perform poorly. For example, Beck et al. found that failing high-stakes exams
resulted in a “21% increase in odds of receiving a psychological diagnosis,” highlighting
the significant health consequences of exam performance. Similarly, a student in the
Unintended Consequences of High-Stakes Testing study shared, “I felt like I wasn’t good
enough, even though I tried my hardest,” when reflecting the deep emotional toll of
standardized testing. These exams often coincide with adolescence, a critical period for
identity development, when students are navigating uncertainty about their future and
creating a deeper understanding of who they are. Art therapy offers a constructive way for
students to express their identities during this vulnerable time. By fostering self-expression
and resilience, art therapy can help mitigate the emotional and identity-related challenges
posed by standardized exams, supporting students’ growth as whole individuals.

Art therapy is a therapeutic practice that includes creative activities like drawing,
painting and sculpting to help individuals express emotions, build resilience and
encourage self-discovery. It provides a non-verbal, nonjudgmental outlet for processing
complex feelings, which makes it effective for adolescents unsure of their future. The
Effects of School-Based Art Therapy on Depressed Adolescents showed increased ego
resilience observed in depressed teens who participated in art therapy. Ego resilience is
“the ability for the participant to adapt to change and recover from stressful situations”
(Beck, K. C., 2023). Not only can art therapy help with higher self-esteem and resilience,
but it has also been shown to enhance self-perception. In a study on the experiences of
adolescent males of color engaged in school-based art therapy one student shared,
“Creating art made me realize I have talents I didn’t know about.” This suggests that art
therapy can encourage self-discovery.

Art therapy does not come without its obstacles such as funding, student
engagement, and scheduling challenges. Some schools will have enough funding from
their art departments or have a pool for students’ mental health. Other schools may need
to advocate for grants or partnership with local art programs. Scheduling can be an issue
for fitting art therapy into a students’ busy day. Illinois requires students to take a physical
activity class daily. Implementing art therapy during this time is one way to get around busy
schedules. Student engagement is another obstacle, a possible solution would be to share
the data on the effects of art therapy on teens and to require students to express
themselves in any way. Creating a judgement and stress-free atmosphere will also help
with this challenge. An art therapy intervention can be used to help many teens during a
time where their future is unclear.

The purpose of the intervention is to help students taking standardized tests and
exams promote self-discovery. The sessions can be held in physical education classes to
ensure all students can participate. The art forming materials could consist of paints, clay
and Legos. There will be plenty of material provided that will cater to different interests.
Students will be asked to express their self-identity and how they see themselves now or in
the future. Additional props could be made available to express how they see themselves
after the exam or during the exam. The experience is meant to be individualistic to what
each student is comfortable expressing. The session should occur once a week in the
months leading up to the SAT or other standardized exams. The faculty that are providing
the prompts and supplies will be trained sensitively to assist the students and create a
judgement-free atmosphere. With any intervention, there are bound to be challenges.
Making sure that parents and students are educated in science-based evidence of school
based art therapy is crucial in making sure the intervention is successful. An intervention
like this could serve as a model for other schools, creating a widespread impact on how
educational institutions address the pressures of high stress standardized testing.
While schools provide academic preparation resources for standardized exams,
few focus on the emotional and identity related challenges students face. If counseling
services are available, students are often hesitant to attend and can lack strategies that
address these deeper issues. Art therapy stands out as a method that not only relieves
stress but also helps explore identity, addressing a significant gap in how schools support
students during the high stakes testing process. Without concrete solutions that prioritize
emotional resilience and identity exploration, students may carry the negative impacts of
high stakes testing into their future. Bridging this gap is crucial for supporting students as
whole individuals.

In conclusion, standardized testing poses significant challenges to students’
mental health and identity development, especially during adolescence. By addressing the
gap in emotional and identity-focused support, art therapy intervention offers a promising
solution to help students navigate the high-stakes testing experience. Incorporating art
therapy into physical education classes allows all students to participate in fostering self
expression and resilience during a time of uncertainty. This intervention has the potential
to transform how schools address high stakes standardized exams, which will lead to each
and every student having a strong sense of self-identity, granting them the confidence to
exceed at any path their future takes them.

Beck, K. C., Røhr, H. L., Reme, B., & Flatø, M. (2023a). Distressing testing: A propensity
score analysis of high‐stakes exam failure and Mental Health. Child Development,
95(1), 242–260. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13985
Beck, K. C., Røhr, H. L., Reme, B., & Flatø, M. (2023b). Distressing testing: A propensity
score analysis of high‐stakes exam failure and Mental Health. Child Development,
95(1), 242–260. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13985
Chatgpt was used for grammatical and overall flow edits. It was also used to look for any
gaps in the original ideas of the paper, such as training staff and funding. Such
areas are highlighted in yellow.
Nicolas, J. (2023). The Effects of School-Based Art Therapy on Depressed Adolescents.
Ramirez, K., & Haen, C. (2021). Amplifying perspectives: The experience of adolescent
males of color engaged in school-based art therapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 75,
101835. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aip.2021.101835

Final Media Analysis

      The Peanut Butter Falcon on Netflix is about Zak, a young man with Down
Syndrome, who escapes from his nursing home to peruse his dream of becoming a
professional wrestler. Along the way, he forms a friendship with a fisherman, Tyler,
and the two embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and redemption.
In the movie from 41:50 to 40:31 minutes Eleanor, who looks after Zak from the
nursing home, finds the two friends on a beach. In this scene Elanor confronts Tyler
for running and kidnapping Zak. Tyler and Eleanor have an argument where Zak is
sitting in between them. In this argument the morals between “good” and “bad” are
blurred. Eleanor’s perspective is out of protectiveness because she is tasked with
ensuring Zak’s safety. She also adheres to intuitional norms, keeping Zak under
trained, watchful, care. Tyler disagrees with Eleanor. He speaks up for Zak’s
independence through the unconventional means that the two friends have
experienced on their adventure.

Eleanor’s intentions are inherently good, but her strictness to these rules can
feel overly restrictive. This can be seen in the argument where Elanor exclaims,
“You can’t take him! He needs proper care—people who are trained to handle his
needs” (Nilson and Schwartz, The Peanut Butter Falcon). Her tone is sharp and
desperate with her body ridged and her arms crossed showing her worry and belief
in following institutional norms. Well Elanor is thinking with Zak’s best interest in
mind, in this scene she seems strict and overly controlling. From Eleanor’s
perspective, she knows what is best for Zak and that Tyler does not have his best
interests at heart. This is made clear when she says, “You’re being selfish, Tyler!
You’re putting him in danger for your own redemption” (Nilson and Schwartz, The
Peanut Butter Falcon). Elanor believes that she is making the right and a good
decision for Zak’s sake by taking him back to the nursing home where his needs can
be met in an institutional way. Tyler could not disagree more.

Tyler’s defiance in the argument comes from a belief in Zak’s potential to
thrive outside the rigid rules and intuitional norms. These conclusions can be made
through his dialog and body language throughout the argument. After Eleanor
exclaims what she believes Zak needs Tyler, clearly agitated, snaps back, “What he
needs is to live life! You think he’s happy locked up in that place?” (Nilson and
Schwartz, The Peanut Butter Falcon) His voice rises with frustration and leans
forward, pointing toward Zak, “Look at him! He’s more alive now than he ever was in
that home” (Nilson and Schwartz, The Peanut Butter Falcon). This moment
emphasizes Tyler’s view that Zak deserves and needs freedom and adventure.
Although Tyler’s idea of freedom can be seen as dangerous and risky it is clear that
he believes that Zak needs to get those experiences out of life. From Tyler’s
perspective he is making the right and good decision for Zak.

Zak’s body language throughout this encounter can be depicted as
frustrated and torn. Zak sits between Eleanor and Tyler, visibly caught in the
middle. He fidgets with his hands and glances nervously from one to the other. At
one point he even mutters, “I like being with Tyler,” his voice quiet and hesitant
(Nilson and Schwartz, The Peanut Butter Falcon). Yet neither of them acknowledge
him, their focus on proving the other wrong. This nonresponse shows how Zak’s
desires are overshadowed in the heat of their argument. It is clear that Zak has
much love for both Eleanor and Tyler though his hesitation to support one. Zak
wants them to both be happy, but he also wants his freedom. It is clear that he is
frustrated that he is not involved in the conversation of his future. Not listening to
what Zak wants is exactly where both Eleanor and Tyler went wrong and where they
stopped putting his best interests first.

This scene vividly illustrates that both Tyler and Elanor act out of care for Zak,
but their methods are flawed because they fail to truly listen to him. By arguing over
their beliefs, they undermine Zak and his ability to make decisions about his own
life. This highlights the blurred lines between “good” and “bad” actions. Elanor’s
protective strictness and Tyler’s reckless freedom both have valid and harmful
aspects. Ultimately, the best way to help Zak is to not speak over him, but to listen
to him and hear what he wants for his life. This scene and movie show the balance
between care and control. The blurred lines in this argument reflect the struggle of
what it means to act in someone’s best interest and to recognize that true care
involves listening and empowering rather than deciding for others.

Works Cited
The Peanut Butter Falcon. Directed by Tyler Nilson and Michael Schwartz, performances by
Shia LaBeouf, Zack Gottsagen, and Dakota Johnson, Roadside Attractions, 2019.



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