
Learning Reflection #3-VTS

Learning Objective-VTS

I have personally engaged in VTS before in other classes. There was an image we were shown in my Diversity in American Culture class that didn’t really have a direct meaning, it was more of how you interpreted it. Just like the painting we were shown in class, people interpret it differently, it’s all about what you observe and make of it. The process of VTS is to really observe what you’re looking at and take notes of it, then think about what you could conclude from those observations to help give an idea of what that image is trying to convey. The purpose of VTS is to really engage in what you’re looking at and dive deeper into the purpose of what it is you’re looking at. From observing the painting in class, I learned that there is way more to an image than what you first see. After taking that first glance, it’s best to take several other glances and absorb what else you see in the image to give yourself a better understanding instead of coming to fast conclusions. When I observed the MERF building, it allowed me to actually understand the purpose of the building. There were many pod-like rooms that brought people together, it was a very social building. It made medicine more fun for everyone in the building. I would’ve never gathered this if I hadn’t gone around and actually observed the building.



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