G. Creation and Maintenance of Rights and Roles
1. Procedure for Changing Roles, Rights, and Creating New Roles
A user may request a role change if the current role is insufficient. The request for role reassignment should be addressed to an ICON administrator.
The administrator will examine the available roles according to the User Roles and Associated Rights section to determine if any of the pre-existing roles fit the situation. If greater rights are being requested (TA Level 2 rights to Instructor/Designer rights), the administrator should get written approval from the supervising body (an e-mail from the current course supervisor, for example) before upgrading the user’s role. Note: non-administrative users requesting administrator rights upgrades must meet the administrator rights requirements listed below.
It may be determined that there is no existing role that meets the user’s needs. In this case, a request is made to the Campus Administrator to create a new custom role. The Campus Administrator will take one of the following courses of action:
- The Campus Administrator will examine existing roles to see if a minor change could fulfill the user’s needs while causing little or no impact on other users with that role. In this case, the Campus Administrator would make a change for all users with that role.
- If the impact of changing an existing role is deemed too great, the Campus Administrator may create a new role to suit the needs of the requester. Because that role would then be a possibility for other users, the Campus Administrator should try to use generic terminology when labeling the role (e.g., “Level 2 + TA” as opposed to “Chemistry 201 TA”).
Since each additional role adds complexity to the system, the Campus Administrator may decide to deny the request and assign the user to an existing role with no changes.
2. Data Consistency and Conventions
System administrators are responsible for ensuring data consistency across the entire system, including user account IDs, course IDs, and the minimum meta-data collected for any user or course. Individual groups may collect additional data.
Integration efforts can assist in the enforcement of naming and data collection conventions.
3. Requirements for Collegiate Administrator-level Rights
Anyone seeking rights at an administrative level within ICON is required to meet the following training and eligibility requirements:
- an approved workflow form on file with the Campus Administrator, signed by the appropriate College IT director,
- completion of FERPA training,
- completion of training on the administrative functions of ICON,
- completion of training on the administrative conventions laid out in this handbook.
Additionally, administrators will be expected to remain current on the product, participating in continuing training when available, including regular attendance at ICON Collegiate Administrator meetings.
Due to security concerns and the need to maintain a close relationship between the Campus Administrators and the Collegiate Administrators, Collegiate Administrator appointments will be reviewed annually. Notifications will be sent to the college IT Directors requesting verification of the current list of Collegiate Administrators. A lack of response to these requests may result in the cancellation of Collegiate Administrator rights. Colleges participating in ICON collegiate administration are encouraged to inform the Campus Administrator of any changes in Collegiate Administrator appointments for their college as soon as they happen.
The complete schedule for Collegiate Administrator verification is as follows: