
A. Disk Space Management and Course Data Size

There are currently no disk space limits for courses. However, instructors/designers should consider placing large content files on alternate servers (for example, the Learning Object Repository or a video streaming service) and simply placing links to those files in their ICON course sites. Instructors/designers are encouraged to contact the ICON support team to discuss storage options.

The ICON Administrative team is responsible for monitoring ICON disk use. If disk space runs low, one of the following actions may be taken to alleviate the problem:

  • Perform an audit of ICON disk use to determine if there are large files that can be moved onto other centrally-supported services (or the LOR). If there are:
    • Contact the course instructor and suggest the move;
    • Work with other OTLT staff, as needed, to facilitate the movement of the data with minimal disruption to the instructor or students.
  • Determine if any ICON course sites can be removed from the system. If there are, removing those sites should follow processes laid out in the Archival and Backup section of this document.
  • If the above remedies fail to address the problem, the ICON Administrative Team will work with the vendor to provide additional storage.


ICON Administrative Conventions and Procedures Handbook Copyright © by ICON Support Team. All Rights Reserved.