C. Course Lifetime
Policy Gap: The Course Lifetime conventions presented here are provided in lieu of a University of Iowa policy. This document will be revised to adhere to such a policy when it is created. See the Archival and Backup section for additional information on data persistence responsibilities.
1. ICON Course Site Re-Offering
Definition: Course re-offering is the process of creating a new course instance for a new set of students. The new instance of the course site is created, either by request or through an automated process (see Integration for details). Then, using ICON’s course-editing tools from within the new course site, the instructor copies some or all components from the previous instance of the course site.
If technically possible, a retired course may also be re-offered. The University of Iowa instructor requests the restoration of the course into ICON. Once the course has been restored to the server, the instructor.
2. ICON Course Site Deactivation
Definition: The course site is made unavailable to students but remains in ICON and is visible to the instructor of the course.
Instructors can control how and when their courses are available to students by adjusting settings within the course. Visit ICON: Instructor Course Access Permissions for details on controlling student access to your course.
3. ICON Course Site Retirement
Definition: The process of retiring an ICON course site includes making a copy of the course site data and removing the site from the system.
The core strategy related to this convention is communication. Nothing will be done with respect to retiring an instructor’s course space without making every effort to confirm that the course may be retired. That being said, the intention is to retire from a course two years after the date of the last enrollment into the course. The instructor will receive communication from the ICON Administrative Team at least three months prior to the ICON course site retirement to notify him/her that the ICON course site will soon be retired and offer the opportunity to extend the course’s lifetime. It should be noted that there is a difference between extending an ICON course site’s lifetime and re-offering that course in a new ICON course site. See ICON Course Site Re-Offering for further details.
If, after the time has expired, the instructor has not requested additional life for the course, the course will be “retired.” The instructor will be contacted 1-2 working days prior to the ICON course site retirement to provide time for the instructor to archive any desired data. Then the course will be archived by the ICON Administrative Team according to the conventions outlined in Archival and Backup (including removing the course from the ICON system).
The complete schedule for ICON course site retirement is as follows:
Technical Gap Statement: The above procedure depends on a feature that is not yet available in ICON. We are working with the vendor to resolve this issue.