F. ICON User Roles and Associated Rights
ICON user roles and associated rights fall into five basic categories: (1) administrators, (2) support staff, (3) course designers/instructors and teaching assistants, (4) students, and (5) custom roles.
While multiple individuals may hold the same role, as a general rule, keeping the number of administrators low is advisable. Colleges are encouraged to review their role assignments annually for the first three categories. Section II-F, Creation and Maintenance of Rights and Roles, provides guidelines related to these procedures.
Note: Changes and amendments to the user roles and associated rights should only be made through the Handbook maintenance process outlined in Appendix I. ICON Handbook Development and Maintenance.
1. ICON Administrators
Users with ICON administrator roles are responsible for the day-to-day tasks related to the course site and user account maintenance in ICON. While Office of Teaching, Learning & Technology (OTLT) staff are responsible for the administration of the entire system, administrative rights are also granted to individuals around campus to support their colleges or departments.
Administrative rights are intended for instructional or support staff who work with instructors using ICON. Based on guidance from University General Counsel, this level of access is not available for those with a position of authority over instructors. Deans, Associate Deans, DEOs, or others with authority over instructors should seek approval from all instructors in their area to be granted elevated access to ICON.
There are three levels of ICON Administrators:
- Campus Administrator: Centrally based at OTLT. Serves as coordinator for Collegiate Administrators and general administrator for groups without Collegiate Administrators. Can act as an authority in conflict with Collegiate Administrators or other users.
- Collegiate Administrator Level 1: Elected by a college, division, or department to take responsibility for that group’s ICON course sites and body of users. High level of responsibility, administrator rights at the college level, and instructor rights at the course level.
- Collegiate Administrator Level 2: Elected by a college, division, or department to take responsibility for that group’s ICON course sites and body of users. Medium level of responsibility, instructor rights at the course level.
Rights Table:
2. Support Staff
The support staff is UI staff members responsible for verifying the contents of ICON course sites or testing sites from a student perspective.
There is one level of Support Staff access:
- Level 1: Can view all content and activity on an ICON course site, including enrollment and grade information. The intent of this role is read-only access, though the role may have some create/edit rights based on how granular permissions can be for a given tool. Note that this level of access requires the completion of FERPA training.
3. Course Designers/Instructors and Teaching Assistants
This category includes the main designer/instructor for a course and the teaching assistants for that course. The meaning of the rights
levels are:
- Teacher: Has primary responsibility over content, activity, and student data in an ICON course site. This is usually the course instructor, but it may also be a support person or a graduate assistant.
- TA: Charged with teaching a section of a multi-section course with some autonomy. Some
- aspects are up to the TAs discretion; others are consistent among all course sections. There is a course supervisor.
- Course Designer: Creates content and course structure (assignments, discussion forums, quizzes, etc.) but does not grade student activity.
Rights Table:
4. Students
A student is defined as a non-instructor and non-teaching assistant participant in an ICON course site who may or may not be a UI student. A user with a student role in ICON has the following rights:
- may use all ICON tools as implemented in a course by the instructor/designer, college, division, or department,
- when allowed by the course designer, may submit electronic documents to applicable ICON course sites.
A second class of student account is the Guest Student. This user is external to the University of Iowa and has a guest hawkID account eligible for the ICON service.
5. Custom Roles
A custom role may be created at the discretion of the Campus Administrators. Ideally, the role will be based on a pre-existing role with some minor adjustments. For full details on the processes and conventions surrounding the creation of custom roles, see Creation and Maintenance of Rights and Roles below.