I. Introduction
The Handbook provides guidance for proper use of Iowa Courses Online (ICON). ICON includes the centrally supported Learning Management System (LMS), and integrations with other UI systems (e.g., integrations with the Student Information System (SIS), the UI Libraries, etc.).
Since the systems used to support ICON (such as the LMS) may change, an attempt has been made to describe ICON conventions and procedures in abstract form, independent of any particular software system.
Individual units within the University may define administrative conventions for the use of ICON within their unit. University-wide conventions and unit-specific conventions must be consistent in principle with enterprise conventions and with central University policies, but unit-specific conventions may provide additional detail, guidelines or restrictions. There are some sections of the conventions document that should not be amended by individual campus units, as such a change would negatively impact the operation of ICON (e.g., Section III.G Naming). Requests for updates to these sections should follow the change process outlined in Appendix I. ICON Handbook Development and Maintenance. The ICON Core Team should be notified of any unit-specific amendments to the Conventions Handbook and such amendments should be made available to the team for review and comment.