
10 Rubrics

Rubrics allow you to quickly and fairly grade assignments using a standardized system. Here’s how to create and attach a rubric.

First, click the rubrics tab in the left-hand navigation. Then, click + Rubric in the upper right corner of the screen.

You’ll see a rubric skeleton. In the titular textbox, name the rubric.

Under the title field there are three boxes.

  1. This box is the category name and description.
  2. The second is ratings. You can add as many options for grades as you like by clicking the blue + button between the subdivided boxes. The rubric will automatically redistribute the points for the number of categories you make in the ratings. You can also check the Range box in Criteria to indicate that the grader will choose a point value in a range, but not a pre-selected number, i.e. 3.5 / 5 points.
  3. The third box, Pts, determines how many points this criterion is worth. The total points in the rubric are displayed below this box. To customize the rubric, you will use the pencil icon displayed in the upper right. This will open a panel where you can name the criterion and give them longer descriptions to help grade later. To add another criterion, click + Criterion. Webpage showing a rubric editor interface with a side menu and editable fields for criteria, ratings, and points distribution. The categories in the frame are labeled as1, 2, and 3, corresponding with criteria, ratings, and points respectively.


Below is an example of a filled in rubric, utilizing the editing feature, the range option, the add new rating button, and adding new criterion. Once you are sure you like the components of your rubric, click the Create Rubric button.

In the main content area is the rubric titled "Training Rubric." Below the title, the rubric is divided into three main columns: Criteria, Ratings, and Pts (Points). The Criteria column lists: Completion Description: How much of the assignment was completed? Did the student show effort to do their best? Correctness Description: Does the response contain factual and relevant information that answers the posed question? Format Description: Did the student respond in proper English? Was the response clear and make sense? The Ratings column specifies the point allocation: Completion 5 pts: Evidence Shown - Student displayed effort to complete the given task. 3 pts: Some Evidence - Student showed some evidence of effort, but failed to follow through. 0 pts: No Effort Shown/No Work Completed. Correctness 10 pts: Full Points - Student has made little to no error in response. 5 pts: Factual or Logical Errors - Student has made factual or logical errors in their response. 0 pts: Many Errors - Student failed to answer the question or answered with many errors. Format 5 to >0 pts: Full Marks. 0 pts: No Marks. The Pts column has boxes to enter points for each criterion. At the bottom, there are three buttons: "+ Criterion," "Cancel," and "Create Rubric" (highlighted in yellow); next to it is a text showing "Total Points: 20." A red arrow indicates to click "Create Rubric".

To use a rubric, you will need to attach it to an assignment.

Tip: The most important step at this point is to make sure this assignment contains the same number of points as the intended rubric. In this case, our training rubric had 20 points, so we are making our assignment worth 20 points.

On the create assignment page in ICON, an arrow references the number of points given to the assignment. In this case it is 20 points.


Then  click the save button. Make sure to click Save and not Save and Publish. This is because we will be editing the assignment to add the rubric and it is best to do that before your students gain access.

Once you have clicked save, a new page appears. Under the assignment description there will be a + Rubric button. Click it. ICON will then open a create rubric field. You could alternately create you rubric right here, but in this case the rubric is already made so you will click 🔎Find a Rubric.

Screenshot of an online educational platform's rubric creation form, showing options for criteria and rating configurations. An arrow points to the blue linked "Find a rubric" button in the newly opened field.


You’ll see this pop-up asking you to select a rubric. You can select across multiple ICON courses. You will see the names of the rubrics in the center column and a preview of the contents on the right. Under each name in the center column there are small descriptions denoting how many criteria and points are in each rubric. Find the corresponding rubric, make sure the points match up, and click Use This Rubric.

The image displays a screenshot of the "Find Existing Rubric" interface within the educational software called ICON. The interface is divided into two main sections: a list of rubrics on the left and a detailed view of the selected rubric on the right. Red marks indicate that the Training Rubric (from earlier) is selected, and that the user should then click on "Use This Rubric".


Finally, click on the edit button for the rubric, the pencil – in the upper right. Then you need to select Use this rubric for assignment grading. Now you can click Update Rubric.

This image shows the editing field of a rubric on ICON. There are five checkboxes present as well as a cancel button and an update rubric button. The fourth checkbox, "Use this rubric for assignment grading" is indicated to via a red arrow. The "Update Rubric" button also has an arrow pointing to it.


If the setting is correctly enabled, you can use the Show Rubric button to grade in SpeedGrader.

Screenshot of ICON educational software showing a training assignment with no student submission in SpeedGrader. A red arrow indicates to a "View Rubric" button in the right-hand plane.


Now you have successfully created and attached an ICON rubric!

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You can schedule an appointment or email us at sita@uiowa.edu.


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