

Welcome to “Setting up your ICON Site,” your step-by-step guide to creating an engaging, uncluttered, and accessible course site.

Whether this is your first class as a professor or your twentieth, this Pressbook will familiarize you with ICON (Iowa Courses Online), the University of Iowa’s course management system. You’ll learn how to organize course materials, set up your gradebook, publish assignments, and everything else you’ll need to make your ICON course navigable for both you and your students.

This Pressbook is written by UI’s SITAs (Student Instructional Technology Assistants). We work one-on-one with instructors on projects that enhance instruction with technology. We’re with the Office of Teaching, Learning, and Technology, which provides expertise, tools, and services to optimize teaching and learning through learning sciences research, ICON, teaching and learning data, and advanced classroom and instructional technology.

If you have a question about anything you read or see in this Pressbook–or in general!–don’t hesitate to book an appointment or contact us at sita@uiowa.edu.

Enjoy our Pressbook, and welcome to the University of Iowa teaching community!


Setting up Your ICON Site Copyright © by SITA Program. All Rights Reserved.