(cover clockwise from upper left)
Esther Walls posed with a copy of La Vida by Oscar Lewis [Photograph]. (1972) Iowa Women’s Archives, The University of Iowa. https://digital.lib.uiowa.edu/islandora/object/ui%3Aaawiowa_745.
Kent, F. W. (1913) Summer library school class, The University of Iowa, 1913 [Photograph]. University Archives, The University of Iowa. https://digital.lib.uiowa.edu/islandora/object/ui%3Aictcs_9522.
Benson, N. G. & Kraus, T. Digitizing Mason City’s architectural heritage [Photograph]. Iowa Initiative for Sustainable Communities, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
Kent, F.W. (1920-21). Library school students in the Hall of Natural Science, The University of Iowa, between 1920 and 1921 [Photograph]. University Archives, The University of Iowa. https://digital.lib.uiowa.edu/islandora/object/ui%3Aictcs_26029.
In-Text Images
Chapter 1:
“Waterloo Public Library Announces Upcoming Events.” The Courier, 18 Feb. 2023, wcfcourier.com/news/local/waterloo-public-library-announces-upcoming-events/article_915f71ae-a6c9-51bd-81fd-7f0b308f100a.html.
WeaponizingArchitecture. “Waterloo, Iowa.” Wikimedia Commons, 23 Sept. 2022, commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Waterloo,_Iowa.
Chapter 2:
Kent, Frederick W. Librarian assisting patron in the Main Library, The University of Iowa, 1955. 1955. Iowa Digital Library. Https://Digital.Lib.Uiowa.Edu/Islandora/Object/ui%3Aictcs_15594.
Chapter 5:
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Photographs and Prints Division, The New York Public Library. “Librarian Augusta Baker showing a copy of Ellen Tarry’s “Janie Belle” to a young girl at the library” New York Public Library Digital Collections. Accessed August 23, 2024. https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/9f95f610-b9dd-0136-b582-3db6e6c7d045.
“Classism in the Stacks: Libraries and Poverty,” American Library Association, March 29, 2007. https://www.ala.org/aboutala/offices/olos/olosprograms/jeanecoleman/05berman, accessed August 23, 2024.