




      Not only does Poe develop his characters to be modern-day catfishes, but he is arguably a catfish himself. In another one of his literary works titled “The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket” Poe uses the main character, Arthur Gordon Pym, as the author of the narrative. Poe in this instance utilizes the interpersonal form of catfishing to lure in more readers. In a publication entitled “The Two Narratives of Arthur Gordon Pym” Poe uses this name as an alias to “convince the public that the imaginary voyage was a record of fact” (Cecil 232). Poe went by a fake name with a fake identity in order to create a fake narrative to seem real to attract viewers. Though he attempted to catfish his readers to credit his work, viewers of his writing did not fall for this attempt.



I CANNOT just now remember when or where I first made the acquaintance of that truly fine-looking fellow, Brevet Brigadier General John A. B. C. Smith. Some one did introduce me to the gentleman, I am sure — at some public meeting, I know very well — held about something of great importance, no doubt — and at some place or other, of this I feel convinced — whose name I have unaccountably forgotten. The truth is — that the introduction was attended, upon my part, with a degree of anxious and tremulous embarrassment which operated to prevent any definite impressions of either time or place. I am constitutionally nervous — this, with me, is a family failing, and I can’t help it. In especial, the slightest appearance of mystery — of any point I cannot exactly comprehend — puts me at once into a pitiable state of agitation.

There was something, as it were, remarkable — yes, remarkable, although this is but a feeble term to express my full meaning — about the entire individuality of the personage in question. What this something was, however, I found it impossible to say. He was, perhaps, six feet in height, and of a presence singularly commanding. There was an air distingué pervading the whole man, which spoke of high breeding, and hinted at high birth. Upon this topic — the topic of Smith’s personal appearance — I have a kind of melancholy satisfaction in being minute. His head of hair would have done honor to a Brutus — nothing could be more richly flowing, or possess a brighter gloss. It was of a jetty black — which was also the color, or more properly the no color, of his unimaginable whiskers. You perceive I cannot speak of these latter without enthusiasm; it is not too much to say that they were the handsomest pair of whiskers under the sun. At all events, they encircled, and at times partially overshadowed, a mouth utterly unequalled. Here were the most entirely even, and the most brilliantly white of all conceivable teeth. From between them, upon every proper occasion, issued a voice of surpassing clearness, melody, and strength. In the matter of eyes, my acquaintance was, also, preeminently endowed. Either one of such a pair was worth a couple of the ordinary ocular organs. They were of a deep hazel, exceedingly large and lustrous: and there was perceptible about them, ever and anon, just that amount of interesting obliquity which gives force to the pregnant observation of Francis Bacon — that “there is no exquisite beauty existing in the world without a certain degree of strangeness in the expression.”

The bust of the General was unquestionably the finest bust I ever saw. For your life you could not have found a fault with its wonderful proportion. This rare peculiarity set off to great advantage a pair of shoulders which would have called up a blush of conscious inferiority into the countenance of the marble Apollo. I have a passion for fine shoulders, and may say that I never beheld them in perfection before. His arms altogether were admirably modelled, and the fact of his wearing the right in a sling, gave a greater decision of beauty to the left. Nor were the lower limbs less marvellously superb. These were, indeed, the ne plus ultra of good legs. Every connoisseur in such matters admitted the legs to be good. There was neither too much flesh, nor too little — neither rudeness nor fragility. I could not imagine a more graceful curve than that of the os femoris, and there was just that due gentle prominence in the rear of the fibula which goes to the conformation of a properly proportioned calf. I wish to God, my young and talented friend Chiponchipino, the sculptor, had but seen the legs of Brevet Brigadier General John A. B. C. Smith.

     The term “catfish” can be defined by two different but concrete meanings. One definition of catfishing, also coined as “plastic surgery filters” or “augmented reality filters” describes the action of “enabling users to create and publish photographs and videos of faces edited to mimic the effects of plastic surgery” (Miller and Mclntyre). Applications such as FaceTune, airbrush, and filters embedded in Snapchat, Instagram, and other popular social media platforms allow users to change the online appearance of their face and body to meet the normative beauty standards of society. For example, ex-Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni (left) enhanced her appearance in photos and video screenings during the 2009 election with photo-enhancing software in order to brush up on flawless features and fill the ballot box… And she was successful. Other politicians however have gone to greater lengths to change their physical features such as the 2002-2008 New Jersey Governor Chris Christie invested in a weight loss lap-band surgery to draw in voters due to his more physically presentable appearance (Lev-on and Waismel-Manor). Using beauty filters and financing tangible changes that fit the beauty standards of society psychologically makes one look more attractive and personable to the public eye.

Using catfishing as a physical lure subconsciously attracts other users, leading to the additional definition of the term, centered around describing oneself differently than what is behind the screen. The picture above (right) Shows an example of this type of catfishing. People online will begin talking behind the screen, gain trust by sharing fake information about their identities, steal information from other users such as money, or even persuade others to give them information for the catfisher’s gain. With a fake story and fake appearance online, no one will have any way of knowing someone’s true physical or personal Identity unless seen face to face.




But although men so absolutely fine-looking are neither as plenty as reasons or blackberries, still I could not bring myself to believe that the remarkable something to which I alluded just now — that the odd air of Je ne sais quoi which hung about my new acquaintance — lay altogether, or indeed at all, in the supreme excellence of his bodily endowments. Perhaps it might be traced to the manner — yet here again I could not pretend to be positive. There was a primness, not to say stiffness, in his carriage — a degree of measured, and, if I may so express it, of rectangular precision, attending his every movement, which, observed in a more petite figure, would have had the least little savor in the world of affectation, pomposity, or constraint, but which, noticed in a gentleman of his undoubted dimension, was readily placed to the account of reserve, of hauteur, of a commendable sense, in short, of what is due to the dignity of colossal proportion.

The kind friend who presented me to General Smith whispered in my ear, at the instant, some few words of comment upon the man. He was a remarkable man — a very remarkable man — indeed one of the most remarkable men of the age. He was an especial favorite, too, with the ladies — chiefly on account of his high reputation for courage.

“In that point he is unrivalled — indeed he is a perfect desperado — a downright fire-eater, and no mistake,” said my friend, here dropping his voice excessively low, and thrilling me with the mystery of his tone.

“A downright fire-eater, and no mistake — showed that, I should say, to some purpose, in the late tremendous swamp-fight away down south, with the Bugaboo and Kickapoo Indians. (Here my friend placed his forefinger to the side of his nose, and opened his eyes to some extent.) Bless my soul! — blood and thunder, and all that! — prodigies of valor! — heard of him, of course? — you know he’s the man” —

“Man alive, how do you do? why how are ye? very glad to see ye, indeed!” here interrupted the General himself, seizing my companion by the hand as he drew near, and bowing stiffly, but profoundly, as I was presented. I then thought, (and I think so still,) that I never heard a clearer nor a stronger voice, nor beheld a finer set of teeth — but I must say that I was sorry for the interruption just at that moment, as, owing to the whispers and insinuations aforesaid, my interest had been greatly excited in the hero of the Bugaboo and Kickapoo campaign.

    From churchgoers to doctors, everyone the narrator questions about the general all seems to be saying the same thing. But do these civilians truly know what the General did, or do they just repeat what other people claim? Due to his fame, fortune, and good looks, General Smith is never questioned about his credibility or his actions toward the Indians because all they see is a win for their country. According to J. Gerald Kennedy’s publication “Unwinnable Wars, Unspeakable Wounds: Locating “The Man That Was Used Up”, Poe wrote this edition of the texts amid the heavy political burden of the Indian Removal Act placed on Martin Van Buren following Andrew Jackson’s term. During this time William Henry Harrison, also called a “genuine Indian fighter” took a great part in the Indian Removal Act, as members of American society called him names such as “The Hero of Tippecanoe” (80). These political leaders took native-owned land away from Native Americans through tyrannic war, yet to the rest of society were called heroes, genuine fighters, and other flattering, complimentary names. Through this cultural and historical context, it is claimed that General Smith’s character is based around these political leaders being claimed as “perfect desperado” and “prodigies of valor”. After developing such an extreme and devoted following due to leading the war’s victory, he is able to hide behind the names he is given without explaining the terrible things he has done to others. Through this, “Poe deconstructs the illusion of heroic prowess to suggest that Indian removal enabled white men to…shore up a nascent sense of national unity figured through racial identity” (77). General Smith and the political leaders in history who shaped his character are political catfishes who use their power and following to claim they did one thing while doing something completely different to receive praise and leadership reputations.

Not only that, but the repetition of the same words such as “perfect desperado”, and “prodigies of Valor” further proves that the townspeople are also hiding behind the name and power that the general holds. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word desperado can be defined as “A desperate or reckless man; one ready for any deed of lawlessness or violence” (OED). In other words, his deeds of violence against the Kickapoos and Bugaboos were indeed perfect in lawlessness, violence, and criminality. Even so, people continue to call him this term because that is just what they have heard. They are unaware of the term’s true definition because of the pedestal he is placed on. The cult following he has acquired continues to use negative terms for the “other” and more sophisticated terms for the general. Though still negative, the general trademarked nicknames are unquestioned by the town due to his dedicated minions.



However, the delightfully luminous conversation of Brevet Brigadier General John A. B. C. Smith soon completely dissipated this chagrin. My friend leaving us immediately, we had quite a long tête à tête, and I was not only pleased but really instructed. I never heard a more fluent talker, or a man of greater general information. With becoming modesty, he forbore, nevertheless, to touch upon the theme I had just then most at heart — I mean the mysterious circumstances attending the Bugaboo war — and, on my own part, what I conceive to be a proper sense of delicacy forbade me to broach the subject, although, in truth, I was exceedingly tempted to do so. I perceived, too, that the gallant soldier preferred topics of philosophical interest, and that he delighted, especially, in commenting upon the rapid march of mechanical invention. Indeed — lead him where I would — this was a point to which he invariably came back.

“There is nothing at all like it,” he would say; “we are a wonderful people, and live in a wonderful age. Parachutes and rail-roads — man-traps and spring-guns! Our steam-boats are upon every sea, and the Nassau balloon packet is about to run regular trips (fare either way only twenty pounds sterling) between London and Timbuctoo. And who shall calculate the immense influence upon social life — upon arts — upon commerce — upon literature — which will be the immediate result of the application of the great principles of electro-magnetics? Nor is this all, let me assure you! There is really no end to the march of invention. The most wonderful — the most ingenious — and let me add, Mr. — Mr. — Thompson, I believe is your name — let me add, I say, the most useful — the most truly useful mechanical contrivances, are daily springing up like mushrooms, if I may so express myself, or, more figuratively, like — grasshoppers — like grasshoppers, Mr. Thompson — about us and — ah — ah — around us!”

Thompson, to be sure, is not my name; but it is needless to say that I left General Smith with a heightened interest in the man, with an exalted opinion of his conversational powers, and a deep sense of the valuable privileges we enjoy in living in this age of mechanical invention. My curiosity, however, had not been altogether satisfied, and I resolved to prosecute immediate inquiry among my acquaintances touching the Brevet Brigadier General himself, and particularly respecting the tremendous events in which he performed so conspicuous a part — quorum pars magna fuit — during the Bugaboo and Kickapoo campaign.

The first opportunity which presented itself, and which (horresco referens) I did not in the least scruple to seize, occurred at the church of the Reverend Doctor Drummummupp, where I found myself established, one Sunday, just at sermon time, not only in the pew, but by the side, of that worthy and communicative little friend of mine, Miss Tabitha T. Thus seated, I congratulated myself, and with much reason, upon the very flattering state of affairs. If any person knew any thing about Brevet Brigadier General John A. B. C. Smith, that person, it was clear to me, was Miss Tabitha T. We telegraphed a few signals, and then commenced, sotto voce, a brisk tête à tête.

“Smith!” said she, in reply to my very earnest inquiry; “Smith! — why not General John A. B. C.! Bless me, I thought you knew all about him!This is a wonderfully inventive age! Horrid affair that! — a bloody set of wretches, those Kickapoos! — fought like a hero — prodigies of valor — immortal renown. Smith! — Brevet Brigadier General John A. B. C.! — why, you know he’s the man” ——

“Man,” here broke in Doctor Drummummupp, at the top of his voice, and with a thump that came near knocking down the pulpit about our ears; “man that is born of a woman hath but a short time to live — he cometh up and is cut down like a flower!” I started to the extremity of the pew, and perceived by the animated looks of the divine, that the wrath which had proved so nearly fatal to the pulpit had been excited by the whispers of the lady and myself. There was no help for it — so I submitted with a good grace, and listened, in all the martyrdom of a dignified silence, to the balance of that very capital discourse.

Next evening found me a somewhat late visiter at the Rantipole theatre, where I felt sure of satisfying my curiosity at once, by merely stepping into the box of those exquisite specimens of affability and omniscience, the Misses Arabella and Miranda Cognoscenti. That fine tragedian, Climax, however, was doing Iago to a very crowded house, and I experienced some little difficulty in making my wishes understood; especially, as our box was next to the slips, and completely overlooked the stage.

“Smith?” said Miss Arabella, as she at length comprehended the purport of my query; “Smith? — why, not General John A. B. C.?”

“Smith?” inquired Miranda, musingly. “God bless me, did you ever behold a finer figure?”

“Never, madam; but do tell me” ——

“Or so inimitable grace?”

“Never, upon my word! — but pray inform me” ——

“Or so just an appreciation of stage effect?”


“Or a more delicate sense of the true beauties of Shakspeare? Be so good as to look at that leg!”

“The devil!” and I turned again to her sister.

“Smith?” said she, “why, not General John A. B. C.? Horrid affair that, was’nt it? — great wretches, those Bugaboos — savage and so on — but we live in a wonderfully inventive age! — Smith! — O yes! great man! — perfect desperado — immortal renown — prodigies of valor! Never heard!! (This was given in a scream.) Bless my soul! — why he’s the man” ——

—— “mandragora,

Nor all the drowsy syrups of the world,

Shall ever medicine thee to that sweet sleep

Which thou owd’st yesterday!”

     Poe’s gothic theme of abjection can be seen through this scene and the actions the characters in this story take. Abjection, according to The Cambridge Companion of Gothic Fiction, abjection is defined as encouraging middle-class people in the West to deal with the tangled contradictions fundamentals to their existence by throwing them off onto ghostly or monstrous counterparts that may seem “uncanny” while at the same time alienating the other to scape-goat in order to establish a feeling of normality (Hogle 7). Readers can see the townspeople, or the middle-class people of the west, othering the Bugaboo and Kickapoo tribes by calling them bloody sets of wretches and savages to ignore the fact that other real people are getting killed on their land for the white majority to rule. Though the general public may not know of all of the violence happening, they don’t care to learn more about the fight because of the free-acquired land. By using the theme of abjection between the Indians and the “middle class”, in this case, the middle class are the people around the town, they are giving in to the catfishing, just as media users give in to influencers who fake their looks and personality on the internet and do terrible things when they are offline yet the general public seems to avoid it because of their ruling fan-base and physical attraction.



here roared out Climax just in my ear, and shaking his fist in my face all the time, in a way that I couldn’t stand, and I wouldn’t. I left the Misses Cognoscenti immediately, and went behind the scenes for the purpose of giving the scoundrel a sound thrashing.

At the soirée of the lovely widow Mrs. Kathleen O’Trump, I was very confident that I should meet with no similar disappointment. Accordingly, I was no sooner seated at the card table, with my pretty hostess for a partner, than I propounded those questions whose solution had become a matter so essential to my peace.

“Smith?” said my partner, “why, not General John A. B. C.? Horrid affair that, wasn’t it? — diamonds, did you say? — terrible wretches, those Kickapoos! — we are playing whist, if you please, Mr. Tattle — however, this is the age of invention, most certainly — the age, one may say — the age par excellence — speak French? — oh quite a hero — perfect desperado! — no hearts, Mr. Tattle! — I don’t believe it — immortal renown and all that — prodigies of valor! Never heard!! — why, bless me, he’s the man” ——

“Mann? — Captain Mann?” here screamed some little feminine interloper from the farthest corner of the room. “Are you talking about Captain Mann and the duel? — oh, I must hear — do tell — go on, Mrs. O’Trump! — do now go on!” And go on Mrs. O’Trump did — all about a certain Captain Mann who was either shot or hung, or should have been both shot and hung. Yes! Mrs. O’Trump, she went on, and I — I went off. There was no chance of hearing any thing farther that evening in regard to Brevet Brigadier General John A. B. C. Smith.

Still, I consoled myself with the reflection that the tide of ill luck would not run against me for ever, and so determined to make a bold push for information at the rout of that bewitching little angel, the graceful Mrs. Pirouette.

“Smith?” said Mrs. P., as we twirled about together in a pas de Zephyr, “Smith? — why not General John A. B. C.? Dreadful business that of the Bugaboos, wasn’t it? — terrible creatures, those Indians! — do turn out your toes, I really am ashamed of you — man of great courage, poor fellow — but this is a wonderful age for invention — O dear me, I’m out of breath — quite a desperado — prodigies of valor — never heard!! — can’t believe it — I shall have to sit down and tell you — Smith! why he’s the man” ——

“Man-fred, I tell you!” here bawled out Miss Bas-Bleu, as I led Mrs. Pirouette to a seat. “Did ever any body hear the like? It’s Man-fred, I say, and not at all by any means Man-Friday.” Here Miss Bas-Bleu beckoned to me in a very peremptory manner; and I was obliged, will I nill I, to leave Mrs. P. for the purpose of deciding a dispute touching the title of a certain poetical drama of Lord Byron’s. Although I pronounced, with great promptness, that the true title was Man-Friday, and not by any means Man-fred, yet when I returned to seek for Mrs. Pirouette she was not to be discovered, and I made my retreat from the house in a very bitter spirit of animosity against the whole race of the Bas-Bleus. Matters had now assumed a really serious aspect, and I resolved to call at once upon my particular friend, Mr. Theodore Sinivate — for I knew that here at least I should get something like definite information.

“Smith?” said he, in his well known peculiar way of drawling out his syllables; “Smith? — why not General John A — B — C.? Savage affair that with the Kickapo-o-o-o-os, was’nt it? Say! don’t you think so? — perfect despera-a-ado — great pity, ’pon my honor! — wonderfully inventive age! — pro-o-odigies of valor! By the by, did you ever hear about Captain Mann?”

“Captain Mann be d——d!” said I, “please to go on with your story.”

“Hem! — oh well! — toute la même cho-o-ose, as we say in France. Smith, eh? Brigadier General John A — B — C.? I say — (here Mr. S. thought proper to put his finger to the side of his nose) — I say, you don’t mean to insinuate now, really, and truly, and conscientiously, that you don’t know all about that affair of Smith’s as well as I do, eh? Smith? John A — B — C.? Why, bless me, he’s the ma-a-an” ——

Mr. Sinivate,” said I, imploringly, “is he the man in the mask?”

“No-o-o!” said he, looking wise, “nor the man in the mo-o-o-on.”

This reply I considered a pointed and positive insult, and I left the house at once in high dudgeon, with a firm resolve to call my friend, Mr. Sinivate, to a speedy account for his ungentlemanly conduct and ill breeding.

In the meantime, however, I had no notion of being thwarted touching the information I desired. There was one resource left me yet. I would go to the fountain head. I would call forthwith upon the General himself, and demand, in explicit terms, a solution of this abominable piece of mystery. Here at least there should be no chance for equivocation. I would be plain, positive, peremptory — as short as pie-crust — as concise as Tacitus or Montesquieu.

It was early when I called, and the General was dressing; but I pleaded urgent business, and was shown at once into his bed-room by an old negro valet, who remained in attendance during my visit. As I entered the chamber, I looked about, of course, for the occupant, but did not immediately perceive him. There was a large and exceedingly odd-looking bundle of something which lay close by my feet, on the floor, and, as I was not in the best humor in the world, I gave it a kick out of the way.

“Hem! ahem! rather civil that, I should say!” said the bundle, in one of the smallest, the weakest, and altogether the funniest little voices, between a squeak and a whistle, that ever I heard in all the days of my existence.

“Ahem! rather civil that, I should observe!” — I fairly shouted with terror, and made off at a tangent, into the farthest extremity of the room.

“God bless me, my dear fellow,” here again whistled the bundle, “what — what — what — why what is the matter? I really believe you don’t know me at all.”

“No — no — no! “ said I, getting as close to the wall as possible, and holding up both hands in the way of expostulation; “don’t know you — know you — know you — don’t know you at all! Where’s your master?” here I gave an impatient squint towards the negro, still keeping a tight eye upon the bundle.

“He! he! he! he-aw! he-aw!” cachinnated that delectable specimen of the human family, with his mouth fairly extended from ear to ear, and with his forefinger held up close to his face, and levelled at the object of my apprehension, as if he was taking aim at it with a pistol.

“He! he! he! he-aw! he-aw! he-aw! he-aw! — what, you want Mass Smif? Why, dar’s him!”

What could I say to all this — what could I?” I staggered into an arm-chair, and, with staring eyes and open mouth, awaited the solution of the wonder.

“Strange you shouldn’t know me though, isn’t it?” presently re-squeaked the bundle, which I now perceived was performing, upon the floor, some inexplicable evolution, very analogous to the drawing on of a stocking. There was only a single leg, however, apparent.

“Strange you shouldn’t know me, though, isn’t it? Pompey, bring me that leg!” Here Pompey handed the bundle a very capital cork leg, all ready dressed, which it screwed on in a trice, and then it stood upright before my eyes. Devil the word could I say.

“And a bloody action it was,” continued the thing, as if in a soliloquy; “but then one musn’t fight with the Bugaboos and Kickapoos, and think of coming off with a mere scratch. Pompey, I’ll thank you now for that arm. Thomas (turning to me) is decidedly the best hand at a cork leg; he lives in Race street, No. 79 — stop, I’ll give you his card; but if you should ever want an arm, my dear fellow, you must really let me recommend you to Bishop.” Here Pompey screwed on an arm.

“We had rather hot work of it, that you may say. Now, you dog, slip on my shoulders and bosom — Pettitt makes the best shoulders, but for a bosom you will have to go to Ducrow.”

“Bosom!” said I.

“Pompey, will you never be ready with that wig? Scalping is a rough process after all; but then you can procure such a capital scratch at De L’Orme’s.”


Now, you nigger, my teeth! For a good set of these you had better go to Parmly’s at once; high prices, but excellent work. I swallowed some very capital articles, though, when the big Bugaboo rammed me down with the butt end of his rifle.”

“Butt end! — ram down! — my eye!”

“O yes, by the by, my eye — here, Pompey, you scamp, screw it in! Those Kickapoos are not so very slow at a gouge — but he’s a belied man, that Dr. Williams, after all; you can’t imagine how well I see with the eyes of his make.”

I now began very clearly to perceive that the object before me was nothing more or less than my new acquaintance, Brevet Brigadier General John A. B. C. Smith. The manipulations of Pompey had made, I must confess, a very striking difference in the appearance of the personal man. The voice, however, still puzzled me no little; but even this apparent mystery was speedily cleared up.

     Through this surprising, story-bending reveal, General Smith exemplifies and exposes himself to be everything that a catfish intends to do. No one in the town ever sees him in his “undone” form. As seen in complete contrast from the first three paragraphs of the short story, General Smith exerts what being a modern-day catfish entails in order to keep up a reputation of not only beauty but of political power. As seen through multiple political leaders throughout history, catfishing for political prowess comes at a price. Here the narrator summarizes catfishing’s two definitions precisely. Firstly, the general augments his appearance for personal gains to the point of nonrecognition through fake teeth, legs, hair, and even his voice in order to please societal norms. Secondly, he puts on a fake personality of respect for others while treating the “other”, in this case, Pompey, with offensive animalistic names while also admitting to the violence he partook in while being the “perfect desperado” behind closed doors. As stated in Kennedy’s work, confident men conceal the nation’s genocidal and racist practices behind the marvel of industrial technology (78).


“Pompey, you black rascal,” squeaked the General, “I really do believe you would let me go out without my palate.”

Hereupon the negro, grumbling out an apology, went up to his master, opened his mouth with the knowing air of a horse jockey, and adjusted therein a somewhat singular looking machine, in a very dexterous manner, that I could not altogether comprehend. The alteration, however, in the whole expression of the countenance of the General was instantaneous and surprising. When he again spoke, his voice had resumed the whole of that rich melody and strength which I had noticed upon our original introduction.

“D—n the vagabonds!” said he, in so clear a tone that I positively started at the change, “d—n the vagabonds! they not only knocked in the roof of my mouth, but took the trouble to cut off at least seven-eighths of my tongue. There isn’t Bonfanti’s equal, however, in America, for really good articles of this description. I can recommend you to him with confidence, (here the General bowed,) and assure you that I have the greatest pleasure in so doing.”


I acknowledged this kindness in my best manner, and now took leave of my friend at once, with a perfect understanding of the state of affairs — with a full comprehension of the mystery which had troubled me so long. It was evident. It was a clear case. Brevet Brigadier General John A. B. C. Smith was the man —— was


Works Cited

Cecil, L. Moffitt “The Two Narratives of Arthur Gordon Pym.” Texas Studies in Literature and Language, vol. 5, no. 2, 1963, pp. 232–41. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/40753758. Accessed 4 Dec. 2023.

Fairfield University. “Bennett Center to Host Former Foreign Minister of Israel Tzipi Livni, April 4.” Fairfield University, 2022, www.fairfield.edu/news/archive/2022/march/tzipi-livni-bennett-center-lecture.html.

Hogle, J. (2002). Introduction: The Gothic in Western culture. In J. Hogle (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Gothic Fiction (Cambridge Companions to Literature, pp. 1-20). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CCOL0521791243.001

Kennedy, J.G. (2006), Unwinnable Wars, Unspeakable Wounds: Locating “The Man That Was Used Up”. Poe Studies/Dark Romanticism, 39-40: 77-89. https://doi-org.proxy.lib.uiowa.edu/10.1111/j.1754-6095.2006.tb00189.x

Lev-On, A., & Waismel-Manor, I. (2016). Looks That Matter: The Effect of Physical Attractiveness in Low- and High-Information Elections. American Behavioral Scientist, 60(14), 1756-1771. https://doi.org/10.1177/0002764216676249

Miller, L. A, and Joanna McIntyre. “From surgery to cyborgs: A thematic analysis of popular media commentary on Instagram filters.” Feminist Media Studies, vol. 23, no. 7, 2022, pp. 3615–3631, https://doi.org/10.1080/14680777.2022.2129414.

Oxford English Dictionary, www.oed.com/. Accessed 7 Dec. 2023.

Soutas, Janice. “What Is Catfishing? Signs You’re a Victim and How to Avoid It.” Woman’s World, 8 Mar. 2023, www.womansworld.com/posts/technology/what-is-catfishing.





Tales of Edgar Allan Poe: Critical and Creative Editions Copyright © by Abby Embree; Andrew Burgess; Ann Manley; Bri Brands; Dylan Melchior; Elizabeth Klink; Emi O’Brochta; Emma Grause; Georgia Aduddell; Grace Martin; Iysis Shaffers; Jess Quintero; Kade Cockrum; Karaline Schulte; Katherine Bonny; Kathleen Zeivel; Leah Wegmann; LeDavid Olmstead; Link Linquist; Logan Williams; Lorna Bauer; Maddie Patterson; Madeleine Heath; Matthew Brown; Nathan Peterson; Olivia Noll Reinert; Piper Wiley; Sarah Inouye; Sona Xiong; Spencer Cooper-Ohm; and Trick Lucero. All Rights Reserved.