7 Culture shock in Russia: Work culture and communication
Working in a different country requires many different adjustments in one’s working style. The work environment in various offices and institutions of a Russian-speaking country can vary considerably depending on the region, the type of the company, and colleagues. Below, you will find a discussion of some aspects common to most work environments in a Russian-speaking culture.
In general, one of the most important things in life and work for Russians is building rapport and fostering sympathy. “Knowing the right people” is a very big deal in Russian culture and it is the reason why personal connections can sometimes outweigh the merits of a deal. It’s a cultural quirk shaped by Russia’s tumultuous history, where personal relationships often served as a safety net in times of uncertainty. This character trait is sometimes very difficult for Westerners to understand because their culture is result-oriented. However, Russian culture places a much bigger emphasis on relationships than results: in business settings, Russian partners might reject a very promising deal if their Western partners failed to establish a closer personal connection first. Similarly, in work settings people value personal relationships within the team a lot more than in the Western cultures.
When comparing the work ethic of Russian professionals to those of the Western world, some differences and unique characteristics should be noted. Firstly, there is a commendable aspect to Russian work culture: tasks are completed, although not always according to the expected schedule. Russian workers and companies are renowned for their commitment to seeing projects through to completion, often overcoming challenges with a sense of national pride. Russian and Russian-speaking people in general pride themselves on completing impossible tasks. This determination to tackle difficult tasks has earned Russian professionals recognition and respect, particularly in fields such as programming, where their ability to find creative solutions is highly valued in the West. But it extends to smaller tasks in the workplace as well, when Russian-speaking people will go out of their way to complete a project or task that can be considered difficult or impossible.
Moreover, Russian-speaking professionals usually exhibit a remarkable depth of knowledge within their respective areas of expertise. Unlike the more specialized approach to education common in the United States, they possess both detailed knowledge in their specific fields and a broad understanding of related disciplines. This breadth of knowledge contributes to their effectiveness in addressing multifaceted challenges within their field or industry.
However, there are also aspects of Russian work culture that diverge from Western norms. While tasks are completed as expected, the concept of continuous improvement is not as deeply ingrained. In Western business practices, there is often a cyclical approach to project completion, with regular evaluations and opportunities for refinement later on. In contrast, once a project is deemed complete in Russian work culture, it is considered finished, with little emphasis on making improvements later (unless it is field-specific, of course). What it means in practical sense is that Americans and Russians will have a different view on when it is that the project is completed, and a celebration is in order.
Now, let’s talk about some other interesting aspects that set Russian work culture apart. Attitude towards bosses and promotions, for instance, is quite different. Russian-speaking people aren’t big on asking for promotions—it’s just not common in their cultures to ask for a promotion. Self-praise is seen as bragging, and that’s generally frowned upon. So, if you’re managing Russian employees and you think that they will come to you asking for a promotion if they believe they deserve it, it might not be a realistic expectation. As a good manager, you should be proactive about recognizing their hard work. Russians might not bring up their successes themselves, but they do appreciate the public recognition of their efforts.

Another interesting aspect of Russian work culture is that they really appreciate top-down recognition— especially, if it is something tangible like a certificate or a diploma. In job interviews, Russians might bring along a bunch of certificates to showcase their achievements, but they won’t boast about them. Here is an example of the importance of awards to Russian culture from recent events (2024). Russia’s deputy defense minister Timor Ivanov was recently arrested in Russia on corruption charges. His legal team tried to avoid imprisonment before the trial by appealing to the judge with Ivanov’s numerous awards that needed to be carried in three bags to the court hearing. (here is the information about it https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/6689524)

Another interesting difference is that when it comes to bosses, Russians see them more like parental figures. They expect them to make the decisions and take care of the team. That’s why you won’t see Russians going over their boss’s head, even if they have serious grievances. They’d sooner quit than complain to someone higher up because disagreeing openly with the boss would be a very unexpected behavior for Russians. There’s even a meme about it—go into your boss’s office with your idea, leave with their idea. It might seem strange from an American perspective, especially in a corporate setting, but that is something that a Westerner will very quickly observe in a work setting.
Time is another interesting point of difference because Russians view time differently – more specifically, they view time in a cyclical rather than linear manner more common in the West. What it means in reality, is that meetings with Russians might not have an established ending, whether we are talking about a get-together with friends or a business meeting. Since sympathy and building rapport are very important for Russians, they will continue the meeting/get-together for as long as it is mutually desired and for as long as possible. That’s why Westerners should avoid planning anything for after a meeting, because putting an end to a meeting might be seen as a disrespect or as a lack of desire to keep establishing the connection. So, if you’ve got an important meeting lined up, don’t plan anything else afterward: it’s better to leave your schedule open, as building those personal connections can take time—sometimes longer than anticipated.
TIPS for American individuals who plan to work in a Russian-speaking country:
- As a regular employee, make sure to build rapport and personal connections with colleagues. As a higher-up, keep a social distance between yourself and your employees to ensure a more customary hierarchy.
- As a regular employee, tone down your initiatives and self-praise, even if just credit is due. As a higher-up, make sure to publicly praise deserving employees in the verbal or written form (thank-you letters, certificates of achievement, plaques etc.)
- As a new business partner, make sure to build personal connections with your new partners to ensure the success of your business.
- As a regular employee, always celebrate big occasions (birthdays, promotions, etc.) with your colleagues – bring food or sweets to share. Always participate in office get-togethers, if invited. Don’t be surprised that you might be required to chip in for birthday or retirement presents or for office parties. As a higher-up, make sure to organize some office celebrations to let people socialize while eating and drinking.