
20 Mental Health Support: Domestic Violence vocabulary

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What will I learn here?
The resources in this unit focus on the topic of domestic violence – both in terms of the concept and vocabulary.
What language level is it for?
All resources on this page are in Russian so it is best suited for students with advanced proficiency. The video about domestic violence includes the Russian transcript and the transcript translation into English.
Other notes:
Some ideas:  Use these resources and tasks to prepare a phrase book that can be handy in situations of discussions of potential domestic violence.

!!! This page contains multiple interactive H5P resources — they might not display in all browsers — read more here 

Quick links:

Resource 1: In this task, you can practice your knowledge of the vocabulary related to toxic behaviors in relationships.

Resource 2: In this video, the concept of domestic violence is explained along with various misconceptions about family life that often lead to prolonged periods of putting up with aggressive behaviors in families. The video includes both the transcript and the English translation of the transcript for your convenience.

Resource 3: The video includes many words and phrases than can be useful for discussions of domestic violence situations. This resources includes flashcards with the vocabulary from the video for practice and further use.

Resource 4: This resource is a task that is based on the contents of the video. In this task, potential statements from women who find themselves in difficult family situations are presented. The task is to use expressions from the video for these specific situations.

Toxic behaviors vocabulary

Look at the picture in this task and drag the English equivalents. 

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Video guide for understanding domestic violence

Watch this video to understand the main aspects of forms of domestic violence. This video is created for the Russian-speaking audience and addresses some culture-specific issues. 

Task: Work through these flashcards to familiarize yourselves with the vocabulary related to domestic violence.


Note 1: The vocabulary is in the order as it appears in the video. The list of vocabulary items below the flashcards is in the alphabet order.


Note 2: To access all vocabulary items you have 2 options: 1) click on the icon for fullscreen mode (bottom line of the flashcards area); 2) register for the free Quizlet services to have more ways to work with this set..


Note 3: You can also access all vocabulary as a list underneath the flashcards.


Vocabulary for the video


Task: This task includes cards with statements and questions from women in domestic violence situations, but they might not realize it. Each card asks you to come up with something to say to them to make them aware of what is going on or about their options. Look through the video transcripts and locate phrases that can be used as responses. Click on the card to flip to see a suggested response. 


Note: The suggested responses can include multiple phrases that can be said in these situations. The phrases taken directly from the transcript are in bold and all added wording is not in bold.