
1 Individualistic vs. Collectivistic mindset

Understanding how our two cultures prioritize different aspects of relationships when it comes to professional and personal lives is absolutely crucial to being able to accept or adapt to differences in behaviors and reactions of individuals from these cultures.

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Collectivism vs. individualism and their key aspects

Russian national character is fundamentally based on collectivist principles, in contrast to the American emphasis on individualism. Below, we will explore some aspects of the collectivist spirit that can be somewhat foreign to the Western mindset. Certainly, neither culture can be described as fully individualist or collectivist but examining them through these lenses highlights key differences. American society is typically seen as individualist, with cultural values of independence and liberty prioritizing the needs of individuals or households. Russian culture, even before the advent of Soviet socialism, has been more traditionally community-oriented. Although this is evolving, values of solidarity and mutual aid remain deeply ingrained. It should be noted that when we talk about the importance of belonging to the group and Russian-speaking people having a collectivist mindset, we are talking in theoretical terms as observers. If asked, most people will most likely disagree with these clear-cut statements. These differences come to the forefront clearly when the Russian and American cultures are contrasted in specific situations and some of them are explained below.

A key aspect and benefit of the collectivist spirit is loyalty. Loyalty is crucial in any culture, but it is more deeply pronounced and expected in less individualistic societies. In Russian culture, loyalty to the group is central to group dynamics in all areas of life. Being part of a group fosters a strong sense of allegiance and solidarity, ensuring that individuals support each other consistently. The idea that loyalty to the group trumps individual interests can be somewhat foreign to a Westerner, but historically, people in Russia could only rely on their community to survive tough times, whether it was war, famine, or internal terror waves that targeted anyone in its often-random path. That is why establishing personal connections with people is of paramount importance for foreigners who plan to start their life or business in Russia or another Russian-speaking country.

This sense of belonging to a group extends beyond mutual support in difficult situations and goes into every facet of everyday life. One aspect of group dynamics that is somewhat different from the Western mindset is that in a collectivist society, advice and action are closely intertwined. People find joy in being involved in each other’s lives, providing help and support whenever needed. This creates a strong network of assistance, making Russian-speaking people view their lives as integrated into a broader community rather than isolated individual experiences. The flipside is, however, that this involvement in each other’s lives, while supportive, can sometimes infringe on personal privacy. In an individualistic society, people tend to respect each other’s boundaries more, whereas in a collectivist culture, unsolicited help and advice are more common.

The concept of ‘блат‘ (‘blat‘)

One widely known concept among those who study Russian culture is ‘блат‘ (‘blat‘). This concept, which means “getting things done by knowing the right people,” is usually brought up in the context of accomplishing important goals, such as getting a job, being seen by a renowned doctor, being accepted to a university, or getting a good deal on something. In essence, ‘blat’ is similar to networking in American culture, but it is also somewhat different. Networks run throughout all human society, but former Soviet and Eastern bloc countries exhibit a tendency to emphasize the personal over the pragmatic even in networking. While informal networks are strong in America too, they are often intertwined with institutional affiliations, shared past experiences, and other formal connections. In this context, accusations of nepotism in the U.S. carry significant weight and can severely tarnish reputations. Advancing due to connections rather than personal achievements runs the risk of sparking criticism and even social disdain for perceived unfair advantage. In Russian culture, however, this system of personal connections, or “blat,” is fundamental to how favors and assistance are exchanged, and so nepotism can be accepted more easily and sometimes even expected.

More tolerance of advancing through social connections can be explained by the idea that in its original meaning “blat” goes beyond just the goals of financial gain. The system of getting things done through personal connections permeates pretty much every aspect of life in Russian culture. When someone seeks help through personal connections in a society that favors a collectivistic rather than individual mindset, the likelihood of receiving assistance is significantly higher. In a culture that values these communal connections, individuals are generally more willing to help someone they know personally, expecting that at some future point, the favor will be returned. This reciprocity is the key aspect of this system because the ‘blat’ system works on the underlying assumption that both parties involved are of some value to each other. Helping in one situation triggers an expectation that this favor will be returned in kind in the future.

Benefits and disadvantages of the community-oriented mindset

In American culture, reciprocity is also an important concept; however, the timelines are different. In the U.S., reciprocity in the form of gratitude needs to come right away and be of a similar value. If someone helped you get a job or with something similar, you would probably offer to take them to dinner at a great restaurant. The idea would be to recreate the status quo when no one is indebted to another for a favor. In Russian culture, however, reciprocity is delayed in time. The idea is that “If I help you now, I know that I can count on you in the future – whether the situation arises or not when I actually need your help. In the future, I know I can rely on you because I already helped you.” Reciprocating right away with monetary gratitude is not common in Russian culture, because it takes away from the idea of reciprocity in the future. Small tokens of gratitude – such as a chocolate bar or a bottle of wine – are common and appreciated, but their financial value shouldn’t restore the balance so that the person could still count on future reciprocity. In the ‘blat’ system, the value of two people to each other does not have to be direct: it means that your value to someone can be in your connections to other people that can be of value. That is why it is so important to people in Russian and Russian-speaking cultures to have a network of people who are of value in different life situations – and having a well-built network of connections can be a value. This is also why Russians might be reluctant to move, as they would need to rebuild these networks in a new location.

Some aspects of the collectivist mindset can be perceived as benefits or disadvantages. One significant downside of a strong reliance on the community and the expected loyalty to the group is the potential suppression of individual interests and thoughts. Conforming to the collective can limit personal freedom and make it difficult to express individual perspectives. For instance, if asked, “Is it better to blend in with everyone else or to stand out?” many Westerners might personally agree with the latter. However, if this question was followed up by “How about your parents or grandparents?” the responses might differ, with more responses affirming conformity. In Russia, regardless of age, most people would agree that blending in is preferable. This sentiment is ingrained from an early age, emphasizing the importance of being like everyone else and going along with the wishes of the majorityFrom a young age, Russians are encouraged to follow the group’s behavior, which fosters a sense of safety and brotherhood at the expense of individual expression. While there will also be an age divide when younger people would tend to disagree with this statement, their numbers would still be higher compared to the West. It stems from this collective mindset and especially from the Soviet time, where the group’s well-being was prioritized by ideology and suspicions existed towards those who chose to stand out. In contrast, American culture has always emphasized individualistic development within society and encouraged unique and innovative ideas and lifestyles. In Russia, however, the focus has remained on conformity to the group, reinforcing a collective sense of security and unity. 

Another potential drawback of the collectivist mindset is the inclination to favor getting things done through personal connections, which puts more faith and power into individuals rather than with the law and procedures. Trust in following procedures is a lot smaller than reliance on those at the top of the power hierarchy who could manipulate procedures according to the situation. This concept is intertwined with the concept of ‘blat,’ where knowing someone with specific power might guarantee their support even if it contradicts procedures. Essentially, relying on personal connections to achieve your goals makes people less interested in established procedures and makes them seek connections with people in power in any problematic situation. While individual beliefs vary, Americans generally place a higher value on following established procedures as a nation. This reliance on systematic and legal procedures stands in contrast with Russian culture, where personal connections often hold more significance, thus becoming much more influential and critical to success compared to Western culture.

In summary, the collectivist spirit in Russian culture fosters loyalty, solidarity, and mutual support but also has drawbacks, such as limited personal freedom, potential privacy intrusions, and a preference for personal connections over established procedures. Understanding these nuances can help foreigners appreciate the beneficial aspects of these complex dynamics and at the same time be prepared for the drawbacks that it brings along.