Unit 15 (during week 13): CITI


Research participation (SONA)

Description from syllabus:

Research Components (2)

  • Students will participate in a research study through SONA or complete an alternative assignment.
  • Participation is recorded through the SONA system and by the SONA administrator, your instructor is made aware of your participation at the end of the semester.
  • Students will complete CITI training (online).

Description from ICON:

  • SONA is the system we use in the communication department to facilitate research participation between faculty and graduate students in the our department and our students in ways that aren’t shady. (for, for real. You’ll learn about this during CITI training. They won’t call it shady, tho, they will use words like “coercive” and “beneficence”).


Research component: To aid in the research and education mission of the university, I have designated 1% of the course grade to participation in a research project or completion of a research-related alternative.  To be eligible, students must register online at https://uiowa-commstudies.sona-systems.com/ (Links to an external site.) (then go to “Request Account” and follow instructions). Studies will appear on that site once they have been approved by the University’s Human Subjects board and are ready to begin participant recruitment. A brief description of the study and any restrictions to participation will appear by each study. Students may sign up for studies for which they are eligible, when such studies become available. Studies will vary in time commitment and related credit.   Students must register for 1.0 credits (e.g. two 0.5-credit studies or one 1-credit study) – or complete and submit the equivalent research alternative – by [we do not know the date yet as it is set by SONA admin, but we will post as soon as we know].

**Students cannot sign up for the same study more than once.

**Also, students must select the course toward which their participation in a study will count (i.e., they cannot receive credit for the same study across two classes).

Students who are discovered to have violated ethics of research participation (e.g. completing studies for which they are not actually eligible, not completing the research task/survey honestly) will receive a zero for this component of the course grade. The Department of Communication Studies is committed to research procedures and participant samples that honor and respect people of all ages, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and other identity characteristics. Because of research justifications, some studies may be restricted to individuals currently involved in a romantic relationship.

Unit 1Unit 2….Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 15Unit 16