Book Title: Introduction to Neurobiology

Book Description: Welcome to Introduction to Neurobiology, an Open Educational Resource (OER). This resource has been designed with accessibility, flexibility, and student engagement in mind, while promoting high standards of academic learning. It provides a clear and approachable overview of neurobiology, serving as a valuable tool for both instructors and students. This OER introduces fundamental concepts in neurobiology, covering topics ranging from organismal behavior to molecular signaling. Its goal is to encourage critical thinking, foster an appreciation for current research, and inspire further exploration of the field. The introductory chapter lays the foundation for deeper discussions on specific neurobiological topics in subsequent chapters.
Book Information
Book Description
How does the brain collect, process, and respond to information? Understanding these mechanisms is central to understanding ourselves and our interactions with the world. This open educational resource (OER) explores neurobiology on multiple levels—from how organisms engage with their environments, to the activity of neural circuits, to the function of single neurons and molecular signaling within them.
This course provides a broad yet detailed introduction to neurobiology. Alongside foundational knowledge, we will examine key experiments that reveal not only what we know, but also how we know it. By thinking critically about this knowledge and engaging with ongoing questions in neuroscience, you’ll gain an appreciation for current research and discover the excitement of exploring this field.
Chapters in this OER highlight essential topics and focus on well-studied molecular mechanisms that reveal how the nervous system functions. A central theme throughout this course is consciousness. By exploring how sensory inputs, both external and internal, integrate with other brain systems, we begin to uncover the processes behind thought and awareness.
This introductory course aims to ignite curiosity about the vastness of neurobiology and equip you with tools to engage with its most compelling challenges.
Introduction to Neurobiology Copyright © by Mei-ling Joiner and Haase, Stephanie J. All Rights Reserved.
Educational: Biology