name: Stella Burch Elias
institution: The University of Iowa College of Law
Stella Burch Elias is Professor and Chancellor William Gardiner Hammond Fellow in Law at the University of Iowa College of Law. She teaches civil procedure, international law, immigration law, and comparative law courses, and she directs Iowa’s London Law Program. Her research involves public international and comparative law, with a focus on United States and foreign immigration and nationality laws. Before joining the Iowa Law faculty, Professor Elias clerked for Judge Stephen Reinhardt of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, held a two-year appointment as a Climenko Fellow and Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School, and served as a diplomat in the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Office. Since joining the Iowa Law faculty in Fall 2012, Professor Elias has won several awards for her teaching, scholarship, and service to the University, College, and local community, including the University of Iowa’s highest teaching honor, the President and Provost Award for Teaching Excellence.
name: Derek T. Muller
institution: Notre Dame Law School
Professor Derek Muller is a Professor of Law at Notre Dame Law School, and he is a nationally-recognized scholar in the field of election law. He has published more than two dozen academic works, and his op-eds have appeared in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and the Wall Street Journal. He has testified before Congress, he is a contributor at the Election Law Blog, and he is a co-author on a Federal Courts casebook published by Carolina Academic Press. Professor Muller teachers Election Law, Federal Courts, Civil Procedure, and Evidence.
name: Jason Rantanen
institution: The University of Iowa College of Law
Jason Rantanen is the David L. Hammer and Willard L. “Sandy” Boyd Professor at the University of Iowa College of Law and Director of the Iowa Innovation, Business & Law Center. He writes in the areas of patent law, federal courts, civil procedure, and empirical legal studies. In addition to his legal scholarship, Professor Rantanen is the creator of the Federal Circuit Dataset Project and Introduction to Intellectual Property: Cases and Questions, an open-access textbook.
name: Caroline Sheerin
institution: The University of Iowa College of Law
Caroline Sheerin graduated cum laude from Barnard College, Columbia University in 1993, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History. She then taught English in Japan for two years, as a part of the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program. Upon returning from Japan, she received her Masters in East Asian Studies from Washington University in St. Louis. She then went to the University of Michigan Law School, where she received her JD in December 1999. She moved to Chicago, Illinois where she worked in the General Litigation group of the law firm of Schiff Hardin and Waite. She then worked for the City of Chicago Corporation Counsel’s Office in the Constitutional and Commercial Division before joining Iowa Law in 2006.
name: Maya Steinitz
institution: Boston University School of Law
Professor Maya Steinitz teaches civil procedure, corporations, international business transactions, and international arbitration. Her research focuses on a wide range of topics including the intersection of civil litigation and corporate law, public and business international law, transnational dispute resolution, and the global legal profession. She is one of the nation’s leading experts on litigation finance. Professor Steinitz served as a litigator at Latham & Watkins, LLP (2003-2009) and Flemming, Zulack & Williamson LLP (2001-2002). She also clerked for the Hon. Esther Hayut, currently the Chief Justice of the Israeli Supreme Court (1998-1999). Today, Professor Steinitz remains active in international dispute resolution. She regularly serves as an arbitrator, expert, and counsel in international and domestic arbitrations and is a Member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and of the Academic Council of the Institute for Transnational Arbitration. Her articles have been published by leading law reviews and law journals. She has recently published a book about cross-border mass tort litigation titled “The Case for an International Court of Civil Justice” (Cambridge University Press 2019) and is currently working on a book project tentatively titled “Law and the Self: An Imaginary Exchange of Letters between H.L.A. Hart and G.H. Mead.”