
7 Intubation: Equipment and Procedure

Laryngoscope Blade Selection:

Below is a chart with guidelines for selecting laryngocope blade and ETT size. IN general, it is recommended to use a straight blade from children under the age of 1 year, and to use a curved Mac blade thereafter. You can check that you have chosen the appropriate size by holding the blad up to the patients mandible. By holding the portion of the blade where hub and blade meet up to the patients angle of the mandible, the tip of the blade should reach the corner of the mouth plus/minus 1cm.

Age Weight (Kg) Blade ETT
NB 0-1 3
Infant 5 1 3.5
Toddler 10 1-2 or 1.5 Wis-Hipple 4.5
6 years 20 2 5
9 years 30 2 6
Adolescent 50 3 7
Adult >50 3 8

Endotracheal Tube size selection:

There are multiple calculations used to estimate an appropriately sized ETT. In the PICU it is rare to place an uncuffed tube as this can make oxygenation/ventilation difficult in children with a large air leak, poor lung compliance, or both. Of note, although these age based calculations have been found to be reliable, using a Broselow tape to measure the patients length and estimate ETT size has been found to be more reliable and can be used when you don’t know the patient’s age.

  • Cuffed tube: (Age/4) + 3
  • Uncuffed tube: (Age/4) + 4

Depth of ETT Insertion:

  • Newborn: 6 + weight (kg)
  • Others: 3 X size of ETT

Microcuff Pediatric ETT Size Selection:

Tube Size ID Age (Yrs)
3.5 8 mo to < 2yrs
4 2 to < 4 yrs
4.5 4 to < 6yrs
5 6 to < 8yrs
5.5 8 to <10 yrs
6 10 to < 12 yrs
6.5 12 to < 14 yrs
7 14 to < 16 yrs

Medications for Intubation:

 Cardiac Patients Notes
Atropine 0.02 mg/kg/dose (1 cc, infants)
Fentanyl 2.5-5 mcg/kg/dose
Rocuronium 1 mg/kg/dose
High ICPs  
Lidocaine 1 mg/kg/dose
  • Anesthetizes pharynx to decrease pain and risk of increased ICP
Etomidate  0.1-0.3 mg/kg
  • Hemodynamically stable medication to maintain CPP
Rocuronium 1 mg/kg/dose
**Avoid ketamine due to risk for increased ICP
Ketamine 1-2 mg/kg/dose
  • Acts as bronchodilator
  • May increase secretions
Atropine 0.02mg/kg/dose
Rocuronium 1 mg/kg/dose
Respiratory Failure (Not Asthma)  
Propofol 1-2 mg/kg/dose
  • Rapid, deep sedation
Atropine 0.02 mg/kg/dose
Rocuronium 1 mg/kg/dose
Ketamine 1-2 mg/kg/dose (raises SVR)
Rocuronium 1 mg/kg/dose
**Avoid Etomidate (cortisol suppression) and Propofol (hypotension)