

Incorporating Sensitive Material Warnings in Learning Environments


During class, you assign reading material or show video clips that explain and/or depict violence against persons to whom varying students may relate. After class, a student, a person of color, lets you know they are uncomfortable learning from this material and feel that this specific type of literary or visual material may prevent them from learning to the best of their abilities. Another student in the class, who is a survivor of sexual assault, is startled to be shown clips and assigned readings that explicitly describe violence and experiences; they send you an email sharing their concerns. In both cases, the students explain that although they felt compelled to leave the classroom, they worried about making a scene or outing their personal experiences. After these issues have been brought to your attention, you see if the problem can be remedied together, either after class or during office hours.

Pause and Reflect


What Would You Do? Copyright © by Violet Heisler; Olivia Willets; Jordan Geriane; Claire Player; and Clare Palmatier. All Rights Reserved.