Since its founding in 1847, the University of Iowa has been first and foremost an educational institution.
Excellent teaching enriches—even transforms—the lives of students. You probably can think of at least one faculty member or teaching assistant who made a profoundly positive difference in your life. We hope you aspire to be such a teacher and role model for your students.
Every day of the semester, instructors play a vital role in the educational lives of students. As a faculty member or a teaching assistant, you may be taking full responsibility for existing courses or designing and implementing your own courses. As a TA, you may find yourself leading discussion sections for large-enrollment general education courses, designing and teaching freestanding courses, assisting in clinics or laboratory sessions, or grading and providing feedback on student work.
The nature of your role will vary according to the course and departmental needs. As you take on this important responsibility, keep in mind that other people on campus—including Center for Teaching staff members—are eager to support and encourage you.