Book Title: Semillas: Elementary Spanish I

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Book Description: Semillas: Elementary Spanish I is a comprehensive introductory Spanish open-access textbook with reading, listening, speaking, and writing practice. To ensure that our textbook is diverse and inclusive we have built a team of writers who cross gender, age, and nationality. We have consulted with people whose voices represent diverse demographic segments of the Spanish-speaking world to include a plurality of pronunciations and appearances. This textbook underwent a rigorous review process that included professionals from more than ten higher education organizations in the United States.
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Book Description
Semillas: Elementary Spanish I is a comprehensive introductory Spanish open-access textbook with reading, listening, speaking, and writing practice. This Open Educational Resource (OER) aims to help students begin learning Spanish in a comprehensive manner. This textbook was created in Pressbooks, a versatile platform that allows us to integrate interactive activities (h5p) and present authentic material such as video interviews with Spanish speakers and other resources. Grammar is not presented just as a standalone topic, but rather is seamlessly integrated into all parts of this book.
To ensure that our textbook is diverse and inclusive we have built a team of writers who cross gender, age, and nationality. We have consulted with people whose voices represent diverse demographic segments of the Spanish-speaking world to include a plurality of pronunciations and appearances. We have elected to use the feminine as the base form in our vocabulary lists and have introduced students to non-binary endings. This textbook underwent a rigorous review process that included professionals from more than ten higher education organizations in the United States.
Semillas: Elementary Spanish I Copyright © by Gabriela Olivares; eden jones; Rachel Klevar; and Giovanni Zimotti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Language teaching and learning material and coursework