28 Proyecto 3 (University of Iowa)
La ceremonia de honor
For this project, you will plan a ceremony that honors the contributions of a family member toward the environment. This is a very elegant event (black-tie) and includes a formal dinner. Your task is to send an email inviting all your family and friends. The email should include an introduction of the recipient,, an explanation of what the event involves, and the clothing requirement for the ceremony.
STEP 1. Pick a family member who is the recipient of this fictional environmental award.
Award: Premio a la Protección de la Naturaleza (Award for the Protection of Nature).
Nombre: _______________
¿Quién es? (¿Tu padre? ¿Tu tía?): ____________
STEP 2. Describe the family member who is the recipient of the award. Include 5 physical and 3 personality characteristics.
- Physical description (5).
- …
- …
- …
- …
- …
- Personal characteristics (3).
- …
- …
- …
STEP 3. Plans for the ceremony.
State a place, a time of day, and date to hold the event.
La ceremonia es el…de…..
STEP 4. Clothes.
Mention the type of clothing required at this formal dinner. Remember to use the expression tener + que + infinitive. Make sure to write at least 2 sentences.
Modelo: Tienes que llevar un vestido elegante o un traje…
- …
- …
STEP 5. Activities.
State the activities that the guests are going to do in chronological order. List at least 5 actions that are going to take place during the ceremony (use IR + A + Infinitive). Make sure to use complete sentences.
Modelo: Vamos a bailar mucho…
- …
- …
- …
- …
- …
STEP 6. Email invitation.
Prepare an email to be sent to the guests that includes the information you gathered. The email should include TWO paragraphs and be between 90-130 words. The first paragraph is going to have the description of your family member who won the award. The second paragraph is going to include the plans for the ceremony (Steps 3, 4, 5).
Querida(o/e) …..
Te escribo para invitarte a una ceremonia para mi ….
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
STEP 7. Upload your final typed email on your LMS.