18 Proyecto 2
Proyecto 2
El anuncio infográfico
For this project you will create a printed infographic and written narrative advertising your hometown and your house, apartment or room.
Goals of this project:
- Talk about a place
- Use the verb tener and the verb hay to describe a room or a house.
STEP 1. Identify a current or past location.
- Identify a place that you consider your hometown. This place can be a current location or a past place where you lived. Find and save at least 5 pictures on your computer. You can use pictures you have taken yourself or use the Internet.
Name: _________________________
- Determine your residence (i.e. house, apartment, or dorm room).
☐ una casa ☐ un apartamento ☐ una residencia universitaria ☐ una habitación
STEP 2. Describe places around your hometown.
Task 2.1: Select five places. Identify at least five notable places in your hometown (e.g., parks, restaurants, schools, landmarks). Use vocabulary words from 02CD Vocabulary List.
Task 2.2: Describe each place. For each place, write a sentence in Spanish using at least two adjectives from your vocabulary list. Make sure that each adjective agrees in gender and number with the noun they describe.
Modelo: El centro comercial es grande y moderno.
- Lugar 1 _____________________________________________________
- Lugar 2 _____________________________________________________
- Lugar 3 _____________________________________________________
- Lugar 4 _____________________________________________________
- Lugar 5 _____________________________________________________
Task 2.3: Review grammar and vocabulary. Pair with a classmate and double-check each other’s sentences for grammar and vocabulary usage.
STEP 3. Describe your house/room using prepositions of place (encima de, cerca de, etc.) and adjectives from the vocabulary list. Be sure to describe at least 3 furniture items and talk about where they are located in relation to other items in the house/room.
- Mi casa/Mi apartamento/Mi dormitorio tiene/es…_____________________________________________________
- En mi habitación hay…_____________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________
- _____________________________________________________
STEP 4. Prepare your infographic.
Task 4.1: Plan your layout.
Determine what you will be creating
☐ brochure ☐ poster ☐ digital infographic ☐ color drawing
Task 4.2: Gather visual elements.
Ideas: You may include a Google map of your city and location of your house/room, pictures, or drawings.
Task 4.3: Design the infographic.
STEP 5. Write the narrative.
Task 5.1: Draft your narrative.
- Write a written narrative in Spanish between 100 to 150 words using the sentences you wrote in Step 2 and Step 3.
- Describe your hometown and living arrangements in a cohesive paragraph.
Task 5.2: Improve flow and edit for clarity and length.
- Use connectors like y, pero, también, porque to enhance flow.
- Review your text for grammatical errors (pay special attention to the grammar topics covered in Unidad 2)
- Make sure your narrative is typed and within the length limit.
STEP 6. Submit your final project.
Upload your infographic AND typed narrative.