2 01AB Grammar

Quick intro about gendered names in Spanish
In Spanish, nouns are gendered, generally masculine or feminine. This is true of inanimate objects (the table = la mesa), animals (the fly = la mosca), and people. However, as there is a spectrum of gender identities and gender expressions, Spanish is still figuring out how to best represent those who might not fall into the masculine/feminine binary. While there are some competing ideas on how to represent non-binary identities in Spanish, the most common usage is the pronoun “elle”. In this textbook, we will occasionally use “elle” to represent people who are non-binary.


Subject Pronouns

The verb “Ser” – Indicative present



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Semillas: Elementary Spanish I Copyright © by gabrielaolivares; eden jones; rklevar; and Giovanni Zimotti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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