
4 Lesson 1B

1. Escuchar. Listen to the following audio clips and select the name of the person whose name you hear spelled using the Spanish alphabet.

Arturo, Erick, Lara, Mireya, Oriette
Arturo, Erick, Lara, Mireya, Oriette
Arturo, Erick, Lara, Mireya, Oriette
Arturo, Erick, Lara, Mireya, Oriette
Arturo, Erick, Lara, Mireya, Oriette


2. Escuchar. Listen to your instructor spelling one of the following words in Spanish and select the word you hear. 
Soy Nos vemos Dentista Número
Apellido Ingeniera Trabajador Profesión
Gracias Consejera Mucho Qué
3. Contestar. El abecedario español is formed by 27 letters a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, ñ, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z. You might also want to learn about the following digraphs (groups of two letters) ch and ll because they will be useful when learning how to read in Spanish. Go on YouTube and listen to a song about the Spanish alphabet and answer the following questions.

  • Is there a letter that does not exist in the English alphabet? Can you think about a Spanish word that uses that letter?
  • Do you know how to pronounce ll? Hint. Think about a famous Mexican food.
4. Conversar. Chat with as many classmates as you can to find out how to spell their names. Be sure to write down their answers.


Estudiante A Estudiante B
¿Cómo te llamas? Soy Elena.
¿Cómo se escribe tu nombre? E-L-E-N-A
You write the information you hear.
5. Escuchar. Take turns listening as your partner spells a word from the bank. Write down the letters you hear and then guess the word.


Estudiante A Estudiante B
H-O-L-A (Writes the letters and guesses) ¿Es hola?
Sí, correcto. Muy bien.
Encantado Teléfono Adiós Deportista
Profesora Hasta Interprete Autor
Chau Periodista Atleta Sois
Nombre Soy Despacio Cómo
Terapeuta Yo Número Estudiante
6. Jugar. Take turns playing Astronauta with a partner. Student A will choose a secret word from the Module 1 A&B Vocabulary list and draw a blank line for each letter. Student B will guess letters in Spanish. If the letters are correct, Student A will write them in the blank. If they are incorrect, Student A will fill in the 8 lines of the geoglyph astronaut in Nazca, Peru. If the astronaut is completed before guessing the word, Student B loses. 


In Spanish, nouns are gendered, generally masculine or feminine. This is true of inanimate objects (the table = la mesa), animals (the fly = la mosca), and people. However, as there is a spectrum of gender identities and gender expressions, Spanish is still figuring out how to best represent those who might not fall into the masculine/feminine binary. While there are some competing ideas on how to represent non-binary identities in Spanish, the most common usage is the pronoun “elle”. In this textbook, we will occasionally use “elle” to represent people who are non-binary.
7. Escuchar. Listen to the recordings and respond true (Cierto) or false (Falso) to the statements and answer the questions.

¿Cómo se escribe el nombre Fernando?


¿Cómo se escribe el nombre Patricia?


¿Cómo se escribe el nombre Gabriela?

8. Conversar. Read the dialogue between Mario and Juan Pedro and pay attention to which personal pronoun they are using. Answer the questions below, and after that, recreate a similar conversation with the person sitting next to you.

Juan Pedro Mario
¿Qué tal? Muy bien. ¿Y tú?
Estoy fenomenal. ¿Cómo te llamas?
Me llamo Juan Pedro. ¿Y tú? Mi nombre es Mario.
¿De dónde eres? Soy de Italia. ¿Y tú?
Soy de Iowa. ¡Qué bien! Nos vemos.

9. Completar. Fill in the chart with the subject pronouns and present tense forms of the verb SER.
Subject pronouns The verb SER
10. Identificar. Look at the pictures and names below. Using that information, indicate the appropriate subject pronoun (yo, tú, ella, elle, él, Ud., etc) for each picture.
1. Pedro, Daniel y LuisThree soccer players playing in a field 2. Solis A person writing 3. ElenaA dentist working on a patient
4. Raúl, Sara, Lucía, y yoA group of students working on some homework 5.  Paquito

A kid playing as a fireman

6.  Sr. Morín

An artist sculpting

11. Identificar. Look at the pictures and the names of the famous Spanish speakers (painters) below. Practice asking “¿Quién es?” and answering the question with the person’s name.


Estudiante A Estudiante B
¿Quién es esta persona? Es Don Juan Tenorio.
Pintores famosos del mundo hispano
        Pablo Picasso Salvador Dalí Frida Kahlo
12. Leer. Read the biography of Mon Laferte and in groups answer the following questions. Remember to write down your answers. 

This picture shows the singer Mon Laferte singing at a concert in front of a big audience

Norma Monserrat Bustamante Laferte (Mon Laferte) es una joven cantautora (singer) y compositora chilena. Ella es feminista y habla de los derechos (rights) humanos en Chile.  Es de la ciudad de Viña del Mar pero ahora vive en México. Ella tiene una carrera musical con éxito y con un premio Grammy Latino. Una canción famosa se llama “Amado Mio.”

  1. ¿Es Mon Laferte joven?
  2. ¿Es Mon Laferte periodista?
  3. ¿Cómo se llama una canción famosa?
  4. ¿De dónde es la artista?
  5. ¿Qué apellidos tiene la cantante?
13. Conversar. Study the chart and then take turns asking your partner, ¿Quién es / Quiénes son…?. Your partner will respond using the subject pronoun and profession provided in the chart. You do not need to go in order through the names


Estudiante A Estudiante B
¿Quiénes son Sara y Raúl? Ellos son estudiantes.


Nombre Pronombre Profesión
Iris She Author
Elena She Dentist
Paquito He Firefighter
Patricia She Teacher
Fernando He Professor
Sr. Morín He Artist
Sara y Raúl They Students
Marta She Counselor
Pedro, Daniel, y Luis They Athletes
Raquel y Eva They Teachers
14. Conversar. Ask the following questions to at least three of your classmates and fill out the table below.
  • ¿Cómo te llamas?
  • ¿Qué pronombre usas?
  • ¿Cuál es tu profesión? (if you do not work, imagine the job you will want to do in the future)
Nombre Pronombre Profesión
15. Escuchar. Listen to the following audio clips and write the number (between 1-29) you hear.
A) 27
16. Adivinar. Find a partner. Think of a number between 1-99 and your partner will try to guess your number. Give clues using the Vocabulario útil below and take turns.

Vocabulario útil:

  • Estoy listo/a=I’m ready.
  • Más=higher
  • Menos=lower
  • ¡Sí, correcto!=Yes, that’s right!


Estudiante A Estudiante B
Estoy lista. ¿Es cinco?
No, es más. ¿Es veinte?
No, es menos. ¿Es quince?
¡Sí, correcto!
17. Escribir. Write down and solve the basic addition problems. Next, make up some addition problems (only using numbers 1-99) for your partner. Your partner will write them down and solve them.

8+20= …

7+3= …

10+5= …

20+7= …



Estudiante A Estudiante B
Siete más seis son… Writes (7+6=13). Says, “Trece.”
Muy bien.
18. Conversar. In this class, you will be completing various groups activities. Ask the students sitting on your left and on your right their phone numbers and their emails.

¿Cuál es tu correo electrónico?

¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono?



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Semillas: Elementary Spanish I Copyright © by Gabriela Olivares; eden jones; Rachel Klevar; and Giovanni Zimotti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.