3 Lesson 1A

1. Mirar. Watch the short video clips and select the name that matches each picture. Then circle the emoji that matches how each person is feeling.


Luke, Claire, Azul
Luke, Claire, Azul
Luke, Claire, Azul
2. Contestar. Write the answers to the following questions based on your own information. Select or draw an emoji that best shows how you feel.
  • ¿Cómo te llamas? 
  • ¿Cómo estás?

3. Conversar. Now chat with at least three other classmates. Find out their names and how they are feeling. Follow the model.


Estudiante A Estudiante B
¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo…
¿Cómo estás? Muy bien.
4. Mirar. ¿De dónde es? Watch the short video clips and fill in the name of the person who logically completes the sentence.

  1. _______ es de Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
  2. _______ es de Cuernavaca, México.
  3. _______ es de Keokuk, Iowa.
5. Conversar. Talk with as many classmates as you can to find out where each one is from. Take notes on the information, and don’t forget to find out their names! Follow the model.


Estudiante A Estudiante B
¿De dónde eres? Soy de…
¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo…
6. Visualizar. Use the map to record information about your classmates.
Paso 1. Indicate where each of your classmates is from by writing their names in their home state/country. How many are from Iowa? How many are from a neighboring state? Or another country?

a map of the midwest United States


Paso 2. Once you have marked where your classmates are from on the map, ask them how they are feeling today. Draw one of the following emojis next to their name based on their answers.


7. Emparejar. Match each of the following greetings with its corresponding picture.
Buenos días.   Buenas tardes.   Buenas noches.


a) b) c)
8. Completar. Think about which of the following expressions that can be used to bid farewell. Then complete the mini dialogue, using the expressions in parenthesis.
Buenos días.  Hasta luego.   Hola.  ¿Cómo te llamas?  Adiós.   Nos vemos.   Chau.

Sara: ____ (Hi).

Lupita: _____ (Good morning).

Sara: ¿_______________?  (What’s your name?)

Lupita: Me llamo Lupita. ¿Y tú?

Sara: Me llamo Sara. Mucho gusto en conocerte.

Lupita: Igualmente.

Sara: ______ (Any appropriate farewell).

Lupita: ______ (Any appropriate farewell).

9. Conversar. Create a dialogue with a classmate using the expressions for greeting, getting-to-know-you, and good-bye that you have learned today. Be sure to:
  1. Greet appropriately
  2. Ask their name
  3. Say your “nice to meet yous”
  4. Ask how they are doing
  5. Ask where they are from
  6. Give an appropriate farewell
10. Escuchar. Listen to the audio Adivinanza and answer or No to the following questions:

1. Pedro es escritor. No
2. Pedro es estudiante. No
3. Pedro es asistente. No
4. Pedro es trabajador. No
5. Pedro es profesor. No
6. Pedro es ingeniero. No
11. Leer. Look at the pictures and match the English version with the Spanish equivalent.
Fireman An electrician A secretary A group of workers
Three athletes A professor writing on the board An artist A group of students
A SpaceX Engineer A female dentist A doctor A female journalist
Paso 1. Look at the pictures and identify the career or professional path.
La deportista/atleta El obrero La profesora La periodista
El secretario El ingeniero El bombero El electricista
El médico La estudiante La dentista El artista
Paso 2. Match the Spanish word with the English equivalent.
Firefighter Dentist Journalist Artist
Electrician Athlete Teacher Physician
Workman Engineer Student Secretary
12. Jugar. Memory game. Find the most pairs of matching cards. Remember, one card will show a picture and the other card will show the name of the profession in Spanish.
01A - Activity 12 Memory
13. Escuchar. Listen to the interview and respond true (Cierto) or false (Falso) to the following statements about Alejandro Rojas.

14. Discutir. Pick one profession and one location from the list below. Based on that information, ask your classmates where they are from and what their job is.
Job Hometown
artista Iowa City
fotógrafo Chicago
ingeniera Waterloo
estudiante New York
periodista Madrid
bombero Buenos Aires
secretario Berlin


Estudiante A Estudiante B
¿De dónde eres? Soy de Berlin.
¿A qué te dedicas? Soy periodista.
15. Decidir. Complete these sentences with the correct form of SER.
Soy.   Eres.   Es.  
  1. Alejandro _____ inmigrante.
  2. Camila ____ es una estudiante universitaria.
  3. Yo ________ de Iowa.
  4. Tú ______ un profesor de espaňol.
  5. Yo ______ una persona de Estados Unidos.
  6. Julie Adams ____ artista.
  7. Shakira  _____ una cantante famosa.
  8. Benjamin Franklin ___ un científico de Estados Unidos.
  9. Yo ____ famoso.
  10. Tú ____ muy simpático.
16. Escuchar. Listen to the exchange between Carolina and Alejandro as they wait to attend their first class at the university, and answer the comprehension questions. 

17. Conversar. With a classmate create a dialogue similar to the one between Carolina and Alejandro from activity 16. Listen to the dialogue as many times as you need.

Be sure to ask the following questions to each other:

  • Greet each other
  • Say who you are
  • State one thing special about you (i.e., career path or something else)
  • Say goodbye politely






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Semillas: Elementary Spanish I Copyright © by gabrielaolivares; eden jones; rklevar; and Giovanni Zimotti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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